Friend Gone

Jan 04, 2011 15:15

For the past eight years, I have had only one person that I would call a true friend. I've had my share of acquaintances, but never anyone like him. I met him when I was eight, he was two years younger then me. We hit it off pretty well; we both had great imaginations, sense of humor and things like that. We would play outside, create little worlds. One day we would be defending a rock pile from the enemy, and the next day we would scan the trees from his treehouse. This went on for years and years. Then, age caught up with us. Since I was the oldest one, I matured first. It became harder for me to play like we used to. I just seemed to have lost the spark. I tried to hide it, but each time we saw each other, it became harder for us to have a good time.
I think we also got off on the wrong foot. Now that I think about it, I didn't know enough about him. I didn't even what his favorite music was. When we first met we just did stuff together; we didn't see a point to that kind of thing. I think almost all kids are like that.
It's been almost a year since we last saw each other. I think it would be to hard for both of us to meet up again. I'll miss him.


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