Drumming Techniques

Jan 03, 2011 15:25

I've decided something. After several years of searching, listening and research, I've come to the conclusion that the style of drumming that I wish to pursue is punk rock. I call it this because I like the name, but also, I think that it sums up what it is. It is a simple style that is basically the timekeeper of the music. Now I know that drumming is the timekeeping, but punk rock drumming is pretty much only that. Of course, it can always be dressed up a little and given a little zest to it. But I like it because you're there to keep the whole band together, keep them going, add a few fills now and again, but you're not asked to do much more. Now, some of you might disagree with me; and that is perfectly fine, I'm just stating my opinion.

drumming, music, classic rock, punk rock

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