My To Do List

Oct 26, 2010 22:16

My suppose to be future fics:

On going:
The String of Love
Pairing: Kyumin, Haehyuk
Notes: i forgot the little detail of the plot but i think i can manage it. but i wont continue this until another holiday.

One Shot:
Sequel of Truth or Dare
Pairing: Kyumin
Note: Don't know if i really gonna do this

Sequel of We Got Married
Pairing: Kyumin

Sequel of Miscarriage
Pairing: Kyumin (NC-17)

Dolls (Sequel of for a ring)
Pairing: Kyumin, Angst
Note: I hate angst, but i really wanna write this. LOL

Pairing: Kyumin, a bit Angst

Soon release??:
My Heart (Still nox fix with the title and all)
Pairing: Kyumin and the other pairing
chaptered, collaboration with Christina ^^
Note: this is based on my dream and I told christina about this. i wanna make a fic with this plot and gladly Christina want to halp me xD we dont know when will we post this though. either that we finish the whole story then post it one by one, or simply post after we done one chapter each.

Feminine? You should try before you said that! (Still nox fix with the title and all)
Pairing: Kyumin
Note: Inspired with a novel. love the plot and i'mma expand it and change the whole situation! xD

but still this is just my list. LOL
dunno when will i finish one of this.

!to do fic

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