Me! ME! MEEE!!

Oct 21, 2010 22:35

Once you've been tagged, you're supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 7 people to be tagged.

benniot_91 tagged me so i think i need to do this. haha

1. I shouldn't do this at the moment. I just dump my paper for this.
2. I broke my vow on twitter. I said i wont open LJ and will do my paper, but here I am.
3. I love blue because of an absurd reason. well, when i was a child i played with my sister and my cousin. we choose one color to be our favorite one. i want to choose purple but my cousin took that, and pink was taken by my sister, and since i am the youngest i was intimidated. so, yeah. blue is mine now. LOL
4. I whittled/cut my finger out of curiosity, and when i bleeding i cried. hey, i was a little and innocent!
5. I never smoke and i really want to try at least once.
6. I love 11 for another stupid reason. here's the story, back then I loved Hunter x Hunter Killua and I loved Kaoru Koganei from Flame of Recca. both of them had "K" for their first letter, and K is the 11th alphabet. so, yeah. do you get it now? LOL i was junior high when i start to love that letter.
7. Kyuhyun start with "K"!!! xDDD
8. I love to hold up my paper or homework, but I hate it when people do something slowly. LOL
9. Even though i do delay my paper, i always finish it on time.
10. I still need to find another 15 random things about me. =_=
11. This is my lovely number!!
12. My friends told me that i'm scary when i was angry. and i tend to hate people who annoyed me. Damn, even my friends said that when i hate someone, they pity that person. LOL
13. I know Super Junior since June/July last year.
14. I love Japan before I know Super Junior. LOL
15. Yamapi is my Japanese fave idol.
16. I love to watch dorama.
17. I'm pretty much on hiatus RN.
18. My name is Shielvin (this is for those who didn't know my name)
19. By now you should have guess I'm running out of random things about me.
20. So far i have 3 unnies from LJ. Diane unnie, Nica unnie, and Nita unnie.
21. I want to live in Korea or Japan in the future.
22. I forgot my "The string of love" plot. so forgive me. i'll continue it when i have my next holiday (on december).
23. LJ is my first place to write something in english.
24. My english sucks!

I'm tagging:
- spazzymonster
- onetruemei
- veezhi or nicadj
- neorouge
- rainofteardrops
- fanmin
- heartkyuhyun

I wont force them to do this though. hahaha


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