Jan 01, 2008 02:07
I resolve...
1) To be more careful of what I say and when I say it.
2) To do what I say I'm going to do WHEN I SAY I WILL DO IT, DARNIT. No more of that rearranging time stuffs. When things need to be done, they will be done!
3) To let out only what I want other people to see.
4) To do my best not to have so many self-worth issues.
5) To do what I do with confidence, not hesitation.
6) To make decisions based upon what I want and think will be best, not on what others may think or want or say.
7) To be kinder and nicer and get rid of whatever stigma my family gave me that labels me as a hard-to-approach, angry person.
8) That a ninja knows only victory and it's many small victories that add up to a great one. No, you're not supposed to understand that.
9) To post more and comment more, and be an all-around better LJer to you all.
Traditionally I resolve 8 things, because that's my favorite number. However, I made that 9 just for you guys~
Much 2008 love to all of you!
with a bang,