On December 31, 2007

Dec 31, 2007 17:38

So it's the last day of the year! Isn't that spiffy? I wish I could remember more clearly what I was doing on the first day of the year, but sadly I can only come up with a vague idea of activities. Next year I'll remember better, I swear. ...I'll also update more often, probably.

To make up for my crazy lack of updates, and close out the year with a bang, and completely break all laws regarding being 'on vacation at the ski place' (which include lack of internet and hours spent at puzzle-building), I'm throwing a bunch of stuff in here.

First! A meme-thingy, stolen from 
hatefulsarang.  Though I didn't ask her any questions. Too shy.

The problem with LJ: we all think we are so close, but really, we know nothing about each other. So I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about. Ask away.

Then post this in your LJ and find out what people don't know about you!

Second...well, I was going to make resolutions now but I figured I'd wait on that until tomorrow. Bring in the year with a bang too, so to speak. So I guess I'll just come up with some other meme-ish thingy. ...Guys, what does 'meme' mean, anyway? I've been trying to figure that out for a year or two, and no one ever has a conclusive answer for me.
Suddenly decided against doing another meme-ish thingy because then post answers can get confusing. ...Not that I have more than 7 friends, but...you never know? EDIT OKAY I LIED THERE ARE 11 FRIENDS BUT COME ON WHO KEEPS COUNT?

And third...I hadn't planned as far as third. Hehe, sorry!  If I think of a third I'll come back (after the usual hideous new years dinner) and edit it in. Much 2007 love for all of you, since soon it'll have to be 2008 love and it won't be the same.

with a bang, random, memes

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