- Sickness: restock on chicken soup, OJ, and Excedrin KoP to help avoid relapse. Store run tonight, Wed 10/17.
- Walking: no immediate concerns. Do some "make-up walking" for missed classes, at some point when feeling healthier.
- Classics: would be A Very Good Thing to do some reading catch-up. No *immediate* necessity but has to be done some time.
- JP 101: auditing. Moving on.
- JP 121: midterm (oral exam only, 15-20 minute interview) noon, Mon 10/22.
- CS 204: homework due in class, Wed 10/24.
- CS 251: project proposal overdue (aim to finish in time for class Fri), evilly difficult take-home midterm due 5 pm, Fri 10/19.
- CS 292: come up with model of ethical system by class, Mon 10/22. Contact people about that judging thing sooner rather than later.
Tonight: store run, CS 251 stuff.
Thursday: more CS 251 stuff.
Friday-Monday: prepare for JP 121 midterm, make CS 292 ethical model thing. (Can also do CS 251 stuff prior to class if I'm *that* behind.)
Monday-Wednesday: CS 204 homework.
When pressing things are out of the way: walking make-up, classics reading.
Mixed in with all the above: going to class, going to work, and destressing (i.e. games).