"Same as Always"

Apr 07, 2009 15:23

Title: "The Guilty Affair." (8-9/?)
Author: villegirl17 aka Brittley
Summary: A one night stand that almost costs Ville everything.
Rating: PG-13-NC-17 (definitely changes status quickly)
Paring: VAM, Ville and Jussi69 or Vussi, Jyrki and Jussi
Disclaimer: Sure it's real, just like me being rich!
A/N:The next time I write might be a while sorry!
He sat up sighing and smiling sadly at Jussi because he knew he would be talking to a very angry Bam.

"Hei Bammie where-"

"Don't give me that shit Willa! Where the fuck are you?"

Ville could tell he was in a cab by the way his voice echoed back. Jussi quietly extracted his limbs from the other man's and tossed him his boxers before getting himself a clean pair. As he was nearing the bedroom door, he mouthed the words 'bagel and coffee'. Ville siliently nodded to both before turning his attention back to the phone.

"I'm...I'm at Jussi's. Where are you?"

The phone went silent before Bam decided to answer him. He was afraid he might have guessed why he was there exactly. Biting his thumb, Ville waited.

"At Jussi's? What are you doing there so fucking early and why aren't you home. Did you forget you practically begged me to come over?"

Ville frowned irritated with the way his lover made him sound so needy. He stared at the clock on the nightstand seeing it was only six in the morning.

"I stayed over, and I didn't forget you were coming I just didn't want to be in the tower alone anymore. Now please, tell me where you are."

"I'm pulling off from the airport now in some shitty ass taxi to your house you idiot."

"Well, I'll be there soon so just let yourself in sweetheart."

"Fine but you better be there in less than 30 minutes or I'm on the next plane back to West Chester."

With that Bam hung up leaving Ville more pissed and irritated then he was at Tavastia.

"I love you too."

He said sarcastically into the dead phone line before closing it and rubbing a hand down his face. They only talked for a good two minutes and already he was reminded that he could only have him on borrowed time.


Jussi POV

He nervously ran around the kitchen with just his boxers on. When Bam called, he remembered he had to meet up with the band by ten for rehearsal. It sent him back to reality knowing that Bam or Jyrki didn't just disappear and that they were bound to show up soon one way or another. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't just keep avoiding Jyrki.

"Hei is the coffee ready yet?"

He turned around to a halfway dressed Ville. He wore his pants and boxers only and looked tired and pissed off.

"Yeah." He said trying not to make him any madder. Ville nodded and they sat down to a cup each of coffee taking a few sips.

"Come on Juse talk to me. I mean we've been talking for hours and I don't think it's fair for you to clamp up on me now."

Jussi looked up at him and broke out into a fit of laughter seeing him pout. Ville's face soon changed to confusion when Jussi laughed making the drummer laugh even harder.

"What's so funny I was being serious."

"I know but you were pouting."

They smiled at each other before Jussi spoke again.

"I was afraid you'd be mad if I asked you anything about your conversation."

"Nah. You aren't the one causing me headaches."

"So what happened?"

He watched Ville get up for the bagels and cream cheese. He fixed two one for each of them before Jussi watched him sat back down with them.

'I told him I stayed over here and that's all. He's on his way to my house now."

"You sure you should have told him you were here? He might decide since my house is on the way that he should come pick you up."

Ville looked like he was in thought for a while maybe realizing his mistake. Jussi felt it too knowing it was a huge problem because Bam was never one to follow rules.

"No. He'll go right to my house Jussi. He wouldn't think about coming for a visit since he's mad at me right now."

Jussi nodded slowly digesting the news. He wasn't so much jealous that Ville was Bam's, but he was jealous that his lover called to check if he was alive. Jyrki only did that for gigs or on tour.

"So you're leaving?"

"Yup I'm leaving, but I'll call you by noon."

Jussi blushed shaking his head.

"Don't call. I'm in rehearsal from ten to four. I think Jyrki wants to torture me a little before we make-up. Plus, I'll probably be too busy avoiding him to pay attention to anything else."

Ville smiled sadly before leaning over and sharing a kiss with him. Jussi was about to say something when there was a knock on his front door. Both men distracted by the kiss didn't hear it until there was a louder more insisting knock. They broke apart with fear in their eyes wondering if Bam had actually decided to stop by for Ville. How would it look to find them eating breakfast with Jussi only in boxers and Ville shirtless. More importantly, was he alone?

"Shit you don't think it's him do you?"

Jussi asked making Ville literally turned pale in the face. Jussi pulled him by the hand from the kitchen to his bedroom since he knew the singer was paralyzed thinking his boyfriend would find him.

"We have to get dressed Ville. Ville?"

Ville was just standing there by the bed looking more and more afraid so he did the only thing he could think of. Jussi slapped him making contact and receiving a return punch in the side for it.

"I'm..I'm sorry Jussi it was a reflex."

Jussi doubled over laying on the bed trying to gain his breath back. Ville swallowed nervously and then to both of their horror the front door opened...

**Haha me being evil with the cliffhangers***

vam, jussi, guilty affair

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