Also! I am helping to raise money for the American Refugee Committee working in Darfur by participating in UR's Go Hungry for Hunger event this weekend. It's a 30-hour-fast to raise awareness about Darfur, and it's awesome and it'd be even MORE awesome if people sponsored me! Anybody interested? Please? Comment and I'll give you more info.
Oh, man, EcoHouse party = Awesome. Seriously, so much fun. I'd forgotten what a good time big costume parties were, especially when the core group is really creative and interesting people. So much fun
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I know you're all college students watching money, and I am definitely not of the mindset that the way to cure a problem is to throw money at it. But I feel like I have to do something and there's not much else I can do. And so I shall join the many other websites with these links: