Jan 22, 2008 00:16
You know what? I think the reason people who watch TV on DVD tend to get less upset about a loss of quality in certain television shows is because there's less time. See, I've rewatched stuff like Buffy and ALIAS and been like "Man, I was way too harsh on this show before!" but I don't think I was. Because there's quite the flow of West Wing episodes in this dorm room (hey. Eventually I will have to do work, I won't be able to not do stuff or put stuff off. And when this happens, I'll slow down on the TV. And until then, more power or whatever), and I was thinking about how pissed I'd be if I'd had one week between episodes and I had to last for a week on "Opposition Research." I mean, yeah, Joey Lucas, and I love a lot of Josh and Will in an episode. But, whatever, I'm not all into Santos, so WHATEVER. I'd be like "THAT's all I got?! What?!" Because I can last a day or two on the high of "Faith-Based Initiatives," but two weeks? Nuh-uh. Like, the sixth season of Buffy is chill if you can watch it in like a week, and be like "Yeah, but this latest little season finale is nice and that musical episode from a couple of days ago was quite good, too," or you can watch it in season-time and be like "Oh my god shut UP with 'Life is the Big Bad,' WHEDON!! GET! OVER! YOURSELF!" Maybe the eighth season of The X-Files doesn't send one into fits of rage when one can just keep going back and pretending "Roadrunners" is every other episode.
God, that's such a sweet episode.
This also explains why something like "Gridlock" is probably my least favorite Doctor Who, whereas something like "The Idiot's Lantern" is pretty equally boring. Because "Impossible Planet" was just a click or two away, whereas I had to wait another week for new Who when watching series 3.
OK, seriously, I have reading to do. And it's 12:30am.
the x-files,
the west wing,
doctor who