Atia info post for those curious (this is NOT my application)

Sep 22, 2010 23:44

» NAME: The Music Meister
» FANDOM: Batman: The Brave and The Bold
» CANON POINT: After getting knocked-out by Batman near the end of his episode
» AGE: Going with 25-ish
» GENDER: Male
» ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
» COLLAR: A plain black band. At his throat is a white circle containing his trademark "M"-shaped joint eighth notes.

» YES: Vanilla sex, voice fetishization (pleasing/melodic voices, singing), costumes, voyeurism (being watched)
» MAYBE: Ask
» NO: Guro/scat/watersports/asphyxiation/etc.

» APPEARANCE: The Meister’s of average height, but with a very solid, muscular build. He’s a carrot top with a rather pronounced jaw/chin, pointed nose and green eyes (usually covered by shades with attached eighth notes in place of his eyes). And of course, there’s one of his most characteristic features: he has a gap between his front teeth.

In the show, he seemed able to change his hairstyle and outfit at will. However, on Atia he isn’t able to do so. He’ll stick with the wavy nape-of-the-neck hairstyle he had with his zoot suit. In terms of clothing, he’ll arrive on Atia in his zoot suit, with his baton in tow. (His baton’s musical blast is permanently disabled on Atia.)
» PERSONALITY: The Music Meister is a man of music and villainy - and musical villainy. Due to developing the ability to hypnotize people by singing, taking control (in a rather theatrical fashion) is what he knows best. Always dramatic and done up in some costume, he takes centre stage and makes sure to look good (and perhaps a bit goofy) doing it. Everything he does has a musical theme, from his outfits to his hide-out and even his get-away vehicle. Expect a lot of musical/theatrical puns and cracks; “on that note”, “that’s my cue”, “time to settle the score”, etc. He’s arrogant, but given how talented he is, he feels he has every right to be. His is definitely a living case of “if you’ve got it, flaunt it”, though for him, flaunting it includes forced musical numbers. Singing really is everything to him.

However, all this means that he made little if any development in terms of social skills. Since he discovered his powers as a kid, he never had to learn how to deal with people because he could just get what he wanted from them instead. One could say he didn’t have to grow up much. It’s not just a matter of wanting to controlling people, but also a matter of not knowing how else to interact with them. When he does interact with people, he does it most comfortably through song and theatrics, whether he’s controlling them or not.

Like any true performer, what the Meister wants most is an audience - but a real audience, not one that he has to hypnotize into being (or one composed of cardboard cut-outs). The problem is, he doesn’t know how else to get an audience. So he fakes it with the cut-outs and makes do with mind-controlled spectators, pretending to bask in the praise and attention he feels he deserves. And he doesn’t just want an audience for his performances, but general love and acceptance. If he thinks he can’t get it from a particular person, such as in the case of Black Canary and her rejecting him, he has no qualms with getting rid of them.

So in summary, the Music Meister is an eccentric musical villain with a drive for control and power on the outside, and a kid who just wants acceptance and safety on the inside.
» BACKGROUND: As explained by the Music Meister himself - in song:
Bullies used to pick on me because I sang in choir,
But something very strange occurred when I kept singing higher
The ruffians around me quickly fell into a trance,
And it was then with wicked glee I made those puppets dance!
* He is currently employed at Mezzanote Capolavori (import-run opera house); he's in charge of deciding/organizing performances and music.
* August 21st is his very unofficial birthday.
* Some info about what he's like in bed.
* Current instrument collection: acoustic guitar (bought for himself), violin (bought for himself with stolen money), ocarina (gift from Professor Layton)


What the Music Meister will look like without his glasses (linked to for size) - originally artwork by canti550, cleaned up and coloured by bishi

» OOC JOURNAL: ssjkuja
» AIM: nomadofwinds
» EMAIL: rock[DOT]hatake[AT]gmail[DOT]com

atia info post

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