Planning for the musical, mind-bending teashop of awesomeness

Aug 03, 2010 20:16

1. Business Name:
2. Business Type: (Resturant, Coffee Shop, Cafe, Apartment complex, chocolate shop, etc)
3. Short Description: At least 50 words, please. (Feel free to link to any maintained pages you have!)
4. If there already is another of the same 'type' of business, please explain why you feel the island needs your business. [50-100 words please]
5. Owner/s:
6. Location/s:
8. Anything else you want the mods to know about the particular business?
9. In that the owners leave the island, is there anyone in particular the business would be left to?:

I'll fill things out as we go along. :3

planning, professor layton, business

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