Sep 25, 2008 08:35
I have been going through some medication changes the last couple days and have been a bit out of wack. One of my pain meds was delivered on a patch, and was being less effective because I do not have enough fat left on my body to properly distribute medication in this way. I am switching to an oral morphine delivery, and spent all day yesterday zonked out and not knowing what I had done and not done. Today feels a bit more level, but we will see. I generally adapt pretty well to new meds compared to other folks I have seen, so I am optimistic that after the usual couple days of discomfort and confusion I will again regain some stability. Meanwhile thought I would alert you that I may not be as regular as I would like on the blog while I sort this out. Who knows. ..
Maybe with all these great drugs flowing I'll finally write something really cool...
In Xandu, did Kubila Kahn a stately pleasure dome decree, where Alf, the sacred river ran....
OOPS. Already been done!!! Never mind.