Still Stuck In Nothingtown

Jun 30, 2009 02:55

So yeah. I haven't updated since...May? Not that anyone's noticed I'm sure. One reason why I haven't updated since then. Motivation. There's been no motivation for me to waste energy typing these words on this screen. Even now I force myself to do this. I do, however, have a reason for making an entry.

Sunday night. I decided to try and force myself to sleep. I wasn't doing anything on the computer or anything, and my mind kept drifting so I decided to just try to crash for the night. At 2:10 in the AM I get a text message. First thought that I have is the same one I have everytime I get a late-night text. "Who the fuck is texting me, and why do they insist on sending spam text like anyone is stupid enough to actually click on the link." I looked at the text and at first glance at the preview, I immediately assumed it was spam. After reading it I figured out who it was. My ex decided to text me out of the blue. She wants to continue our friendship.

I really shouldn't read too much into it. Timing of the text could've been better though. I dunno. I'm out of stuff to type now. Gonna have another cig and lay in bed.

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