Mar 03, 2009 14:02
Hello All!
Pakistan is simply disintergrating before our eyes. This 180 Million Population Nuclear Weapon Capable Islamic state is on the brink of Collapse.
The country has been completely Bankrupted by the GFC, Benezaire Bhutto was assasinated, her widower and leader of the opposition has since been banned from politics and arrested, the Mumbai attacks have dramatically raised tensions between it and India, you have a lawless Taliban controlled tribal landscape up near the Afghan border, and you have government aquiescence in the Swat Valley to the Taliban and have signed a deal allowing Sharia Law to be implemented permanently (meaning, among many other things, that women in the provence are barred from school).
And this afternoon...
Five Sri Lankan Cricketers were wounded (at least two seriously) when Gunman attacked there convoy killing at least 5 Pakistani security officials.
Anyway off to my seminar where no doubt this will be on everyone's tongues...
Thankyou for reading my journal.