Tinfoil hats, really!

Feb 27, 2022 15:18

Greg had mild cold symptoms last week so he had to get tested, and we both had to self-isolate until he got his results (which were negative). It's the first time I've ever used click-and-collect for a supermarket shop, picked up by a neighbour. I hope it wasn't a dry run for actual covid, which is indeed in town and "rife" in Dunedin, the city closest to us.

Have a small selection of the remaining February questions.

What makes you roll your eyes every time you hear or see it?
Off the cuff:
  • Anti-vaxxers and anarchist protesters shouting about their "freedom" and shitting on the majority of us who just want to get on with our lives as well as we can. An aside: some of the protesters at parliament have got covid and blame the government for beaming it at them - and are wearing tinfoil hats. Seriously. I thought it was a joke, but they're even more moronic than I thought.
  • "With all due respect" = "with no respect whatsoever".
  • "To be honest" - so you haven't been so far?
When was the last time you told someone, "I told you so!"?
About three weeks ago on Waitangi Day when Greg thought we could drive to Hampden and have their excellent fish and chips on the beach. I said it's 1) Monday and most eating places close on Mondays, and 2) it was a public holiday, so even more so. "They're open seven days." he said. Nope. Oh well, the beach was still there.

Is there something that you're interested in that most people aren't?
Lots, probably. I'll pick languages.

What really needs to be modernised?
The search function on streaming services. Laboriously moving right and left to select individual letters in a linear alphabet is a really crap way to enter text.
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