Don't call me, and I won't call you

Feb 19, 2022 14:37

Do you text more or call more? Why?
Phoning is my last resort. Texting or emailing are the way I go. Yes, I'm an introvert - why do you ask? ;-)

Most important in a partner or best friend: intelligence or sense of humour?
Probably intelligence, as senses of humour differ so much. Greg however is also my best friend and our humour is completely in sync: we laugh at exactly the same things on TV which has amused the hell out of guests.

What are you going to do this weekend?
Very little today. It was summer yesterday for a whole day; it's now wet and grey, but tomorrow is predicted to be sunny so we could go for a drive up the valley to Omarama and even risk lunch outside at a favourite cafe.

Would you rather have all your meals prepared for you but not have any say in the menu (outside of certain dietary restrictions e.g. allergies), or sleep eight hours every night but not get to choose your bedtime?
Defo the meals! I don't enjoy cooking, and "What's are we having for dinner?" is one of the most annoying questions (even though Greg helps to cook). This way I'd get to ask the question too.
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