Catch up and some answers

Feb 11, 2022 18:58

Time for a catch up. Ho hum, life goes on, plants grow, dogs bark... and it seems all fun is cancelled until further notice. Everything I fancied going to is off, although there are still drives in the country and meals out, so that's something.

Boba Fett ended spectacularly (but why was it a book?), and we will miss the viewing highlight of the week. I'm glad we found Resident Alien, but we're trying not to eat it all up at once.

If an actor who is really well known for one role turns up in another film or TV show playing a different character, do you have trouble not seeing them as their more famous character?
If the actor is one of those who just plays themselves, then sometimes yes. If they're very good (e.g. Meryl Streep or Benedict Cumberbatch) they'll inhabit the role so well they're totally different people each time.

Regardless of your age, what "old person" thing(s) do you do?
Knitting has that reputation despite a lot of younger people (including a few guys) doing it. I don't care though. It's so relaxing and satisfying.

Do you often get the hiccups? If yes, do you have a go-to cure for them?
Not often, but I do have a very effective method I discovered by experimentation, and since learned a famous opera singer also uses: get a glass of water, hold your breath and sip, swallow, sip, sallow, sip swallow (and so on). Works every time!

Which current or recent news story is the most interesting to you?
None of them. I did enjoy Elon Musk's update on the starship this afternoon though. I'm glad he mentioned exploration and adventure as well as the usual doomy reasons to go to Mars.

Would you rather ask for help with a difficult task or figure it out for yourself?
It depends on how much I'm invested in it. If it's crafts or something else I enjoy, I'll figure it out, or google, or look for YouTube videos, or, in some cases, come up with my own solution. If it's doing something around the house, hell yes, I'll ask for help.
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