Feb 03, 2022 13:27
If you use top sheets, do you sleep with them tucked in?
No, I like to be able to stick my feet out. In summer (which is now) I just sleep under a top sheet, or sometimes nothing at all, like last night which was so hit and humid I also had the fan going all night.
Toilet paper: over or under?
Do you think your country would change if everyone, regardless of age or any other current restriction, could vote? If yes, in what ways?
Here anyone can vote if they're 18 years or older and are a citizen or permanent resident, so the main restriction is age. If even young children could vote, there'd probably be a lot more votes for fringe parties with weird names or eccentric local candidates. It might make electioneering a bit more fun though as politicians vie for the child vote, and if a party popular with kids got enough votes, they'd get a seat in parliament. However I doubt that would change the country much unless a party got enough seats to form a coalition.
Is there a film or TV show you can watch over and over again without tiring of it?
Not really. The radio series Cabin Pressure comes close though.