I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive...9/?

Apr 16, 2009 13:13

I knew that Ryan was trying as hard as possible not to fully put his weight on me. The way his body moved made it clear that he wanted to be as far from me as humanly possible at that moment.

When he stretched his legs out on mine, I was so uncomfortable that I had to part my legs slightly so that his rested on the floor. It did not make the situation look any better. I grasped his hips, so that he wouldn’t fall off me, feeling the soft skin give slightly. My shoulders began to ache.

“Hang on, the door is locked right?” Jon choked out between laughing. “I mean, we wouldn’t want your mom to come in and think we were filming a porno or something -“

He was cut off by Spencer’s squeal of laughter, and my breath hissed out of my teeth as I gasped in pain. My neck and head were starting to kill me.

“Are you okay?” Ryan asked, so low that the others couldn’t possibly hear him over all the noise they were making.

“My head hurts,” I groaned back and he slipped his arms underneath my head, holding it above the hard floor.

“Is that any better?” He put his head on my chest, not meeting my eyes. I knew it looked...intimate.

He wriggled his hips against me, trying to get comfortable, and I sucked in my breath, and whimpered. I knew it sounded bad, but when he had moved...I could feel myself getting hard, and that would look even worse. I tried to regulate my breathing.

He turned his head to me, staring into my eyes nervously.

“I - I’m fine,” I managed to gasp before tilting my head at the idiots opposite us.

Luckily, what had just transpired had gone relatively unnoticed. I think they might have been crying from laughing.

“OI!” I yelled the best I could at them. “It’s Ry’s turn! Shut up!”

Ryan grinned evilly, like Jon, but he looked scarier than Jon.

God, I hope he’s got something good...

“JON!” Jon snapped his head around, his eyes instantly worried.

“Truth or dare?” Ryan was staring at them, and it at least gave me some distraction from my...problem.

“Dare,” said Jon cautiously, glancing at Spencer.

“Yes,” hissed Ryan so that only I could hear him. Raising his voice, he said, “Alright Jon...I dare you to...kiss Spencer on the lips.”

Spencer went white, like a vampire had drained him right then and there. Jon went a weird grey colour, and stammered, “L-lips?”

I loved this. This was the ultimate payback. And there was no way to get out of it. Not that I really minded being underneath Ryan...it was almost worth it.

“You know, you could always pass,” I added, as though we were having a perfectly normal conversation. Ryan turned to beam at me.

“Shut up, Brendon!” Jon tried to yell at me, but it came out more like a strangled croak. Ah, Justice...

“And kiss me instead,” I continued, like he hadn’t said anything.

“But thanks to you, he’s a little tied up right now,” finished Ryan tensely, flushing as he gazed at me. I blushed, hoping that the game wouldn’t be over too soon.

Jon drew a deep breath, crawling towards Spencer hesitantly. Spencer turned the brightest red I’ve ever seen anyone go and leaned forward too. Jon closed the space between them, meeting Spencer’s lips and then drawing away quickly.

I watched, fascinated. I wasn’t being a pervert; well, I was a bit, I’d just never kissed before, unless you counted Spencer’s bedpost, and I was kind of unfamiliar with any intimacy. I couldn’t laugh; it didn’t seem right.

Either way, they both looked as though they regretted stopping.

While they each glowered at the walls, burning holes into the other rooms, I nudged Ryan with my chin, and when he looked at me curiously, I tilted my head backwards at them both. Ryan surreptitiously turned his head to look at them, then laid his head back on my chest, the hint of a smile on his lips.

His pale throat was so close to mine, feeling the warmth radiate off his skin was driving me crazy, his scent, golden eyes, hardened by spite for the world, the press of his body against mine, breathing him in, everything made my heart accelerate. I was going to go insane.


It would be really lame if they do the same to us...

Jon snapped his head around to look at us. “Brendon.”

Ugh. I knew it would turn out to be an us versus them type of game, where it shot back and forwards between each team, and the dares would have to involve the other of the pair.


“Truth or dare?” We didn’t even really need to ask that, it was just...tradition, I guess.

“Truth,” I mumbled.

Jon grasped Spencer, who was watching me intently, and hurriedly whispered something in his ear. Whatever it was, I was going to find out soon enough, and a smile slowly spread over Spencer’s face as he listened.

“Brendon, who in the room, that is, out of the three humans, would you rather kiss?” Jon had a laugh in the corner of his mouth, threatening to escape at my answer. I knew now that I couldn’t say the bedpost.

My head spun; the answer that instantly sprang to mind was Ryan, but I couldn’t say that either. I pushed that thought into the depths of my memories.

I closed my eyes and sighed resignedly. “Pass.”

Leaning my head back, I saw them smirking at each other, and Spencer said, quite calmly, “Well, you know what that means Bren.”

“Yes,” I sighed.

I chanced a glance at Ryan, who gazed down at me, his eyes so wide I could see myself reflected in them. He knew what was coming.

“Go on,” pressed Jon. Ryan glared at him.

He sat up slightly, so that he could look down at me. He nodded, as though steeling himself for what he was about to do. Which he probably was.

He moved his hands from under my head, placing them gingerly on the floor. My heart fluttered frantically, and his cheeks coloured as we stared at each other, anticipating.

Then he leaned down, and I was kissing Ryan Ross.


It was over before it had started, and I was pulling away from him, our lips parting slowly but definitely. I didn’t know about him, but I felt like...ugh, I don’t know. Nothing I’d ever felt before anyway.

I lay down on him again, so I wouldn’t have to look at anyone. I could feel his heart beating fast in his chest, throbbing disjointedly against my own.

I could not understand why he hadn’t just answered; it couldn’t have been that bad, but then knowing Jon...well, it might’ve actually been Jon, I didn’t know.

Feeling his hands wrap around my waist, I heard him say shakily, “Well...yum yum.”

My face flamed, and he continued, “I think...Spencer! As punishment...” He cast his eyes around the room, finally settling on the lamp.

“Put your tongue on that light bulb for ten seconds.”

I stifled a laugh, shaking. This would be funny. But I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering back to him, no matter how much I tried to convince myself that it didn’t mean anything...


“Um...s-strip down and do a stripper dance, Jon.” My speech was becoming slurred, and I was finding it harder and harder to keep my eyes open. I wrapped my arms around Brendon’s neck and tucked my face against his cheek, yawning.

“Ry, drink some of this, you’ll stay awake longer,” said Brendon, reaching for his can. I swallowed some, gasping as it burned the back of my throat, turning away as I coughed and spluttered, but instantly more awake.

Jon pursed his lips and got up, asking, “Do I have to strip completely, or can I leave my -“

“Strip as much as you want, but you must be completely naked by the end of it,” I coughed, and he stuck his tongue out at me, beginning to take his shirt off.

I put my lips close to Brendon’s ear. “Can you reach into my back pocket and get my phone out?” I whispered. “I want to film this.”

Brendon grinned, sliding his hand from my hip up to my ass. He turned crimson, realising what he was doing. I bit down hard on my lip as his hand slid into my pocket and groped around, searching for the phone, pulling it out and slipping it into my palm. My hands trembled as I took it from him and started filming as Jon danced around, undoing his shirt buttons.

“Spencer, close the curtains, you wouldn’t want old Mrs Benedict next door telling your mom what goes on in this room,” said Brendon, shaking with laughter as he watched Jon wriggle out of his shirt.

My breath caught. Brendon doing that really wasn’t good for keeping certain...problems under control.

He must think I’m a total freak...

Spencer, I noticed, was flushing uncontrollably, watching Jon without his shirt.

Mind you, looking at Jon naked...it’d be too much for anyone, ha ha.

I continued to film Jon, who was completely oblivious to the fact that he was being filmed, occasionally filming Spencer, who grew redder with every item of clothing that fell to the floor. He was trying his hardest not to look.

Brendon watched upside-down as he had for the whole game, straining his pale neck under me, his strong jaw tilted away from me. I looked positively feminine next to him with my slight frame and soft features.

Why would half the bloody school try to get with me and not him?

Jon had stopped undressing, now fully naked. Spencer glowed like a traffic light. I shuddered, turning my face to Brendon’s in horror.

Brendon snapped his head up to look at me, catching me on the chin.

“Scary, isn’t it?” he murmured, meeting my eyes and smiling.

“Thank god I didn’t get undressed then,” I mumbled, looking away from him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brendon’s face harden, then crumple.

What’s his problem?

“I - I’m sure you’ve got a great body, Ry,” Brendon muttered stiffly, averting his eyes.

And I wondered why.

Okay, I'm reaaally sucky at writing these chapters, but hey, the only thing I've ever kissed is a tree at school (Sam, if you say anything, I will kill you when we get back to school), and that was a dare, so there was my inspiration (lol, I know I'm lame) ;D Tell me wotcher fink!

ryden, joncer, truth/dare

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