I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive...8/?

Apr 15, 2009 19:12

I’d caught the flash of pain in Spencer’s eyes when Brendon had hugged me and feeling guilty, I watched as he excused himself and left. I saw Jon’s eyes follow him as he left, the emotion in them hard to read...wistful?

I didn’t know. Brendon nodded once and then Jon left too, glancing back at me as he shut the door. What scared me most were the truths. I was sure, if Jon had anything to do with it, that I would end up revealing a lot of myself tonight.

Brendon wound himself even tighter around me, and rested his head in the crook of my neck. I shivered as my skin came into contact with his. His nose was cold, and I realised, staring out the window that the sun had dipped beneath the trees, turning the sky a rich golden orange.

“You’re cold,” I said softly, trepidation growing in the pit of my stomach. When it was dark, and only then, would we begin our game, and it wasn’t too far away.

I leaned back against the headboard, and he adjusted his arms around me, trying to make himself more comfortable. “You’re hot,” was all he said in response, the hyperactivity gone.

I flushed and he added, “Really hot.” He put his hand to my cheek and I shrank back from his touch. He was freezing.

“You’re frozen.” I retaliated, and he took his hand away.

“Make me warmer then.”

I stiffened. Wondering if he was joking, I asked, “Are you sure?”

He tilted his head up to look me in the eye and I knew he was serious.

“Okay then,” I sighed. He let go of me and I hesitantly opened my arms. He crawled into my lap and sat with his back to my chest, tilting his head back over my shoulder. I clumsily folded my arms over his, clasping his hands, which were ice cold. He beat me at giving hugs by far. Come to think of it, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever hugged anyone. Not that you could call this hugging, it was more...cuddling.


I shoved the thought away, and he pushed my knees apart, pressing himself against me harder. My heart leapt forward into my throat and I stammered, “W-what are you doing?”

“You said you’d make me warmer.” Brendon made it sound like an accusation and snuggled closer. He pulled my legs down next to his and leaned into me fully, turning his cheek to my chest. My whole body tensed, feeling his ass against my...well, I shoved that away too.

“Okay.” Putting my arms around his chest, I pulled him closer to me and placed the tip of my finger on his forehead.

He looked up, cross-eyed, at my finger and I smiled. “Are you nervous?”

He grinned. “Never!”

I traced it down his nose and over his full lips. “Now?”

He shook his head, still grinning. “No.”

I slowly dragged my finger down his chin, feeling the skin smooth into the softness of his throat and then the bump of his collarbone. My fingers dragged on his shirt slightly as they moved down his chest, exposing the pale skin. “Now?”

Again: “No.” His eyes were fixed on my hand.

I moved my fingers at an achingly slow pace, seeing if I could get any reaction. Brendon grinned even wider, challenging me.

When my hand reached his navel, his stomach shrank back and a ripple went through his body. I knew I’d won. But then: “No.”

I paused, unsure if I wanted to continue.

“Are you sure?” I shifted slightly, trying to get a proper look at his face.

“Mmmhmm.”  He closed his eyes, like he was bracing himself for something. When I touched the waistband of his jeans, he shuddered and twisted around.

“Now I am,” he said, his cheeks pink. I laughed nervously, glad that he wasn’t too fearless. I’d never acted so...openly with anyone before. Not even with Spencer, but now I knew...well, not that sort of open.

“Hello?” And then the door banged open.

Jon froze in the doorway, staring at us. “What the hell are you doing now?”

Brendon glared at him. “You’re supposed to wait for the ‘come in,’ instead of just barging in, who knows what we could’ve been doing.”

I flushed. I wished he wouldn’t say stuff like that, that always sounded so wrong.

“Yeah, well, what you were doing looked wrong enough.” I moved my hand away from Brendon’s jeans and Jon smirked. “Come downstairs, you need to get hyped up before we start.”

Resting my head on Brendon’s shoulder, I narrowed my eyes gleefully. “That sounded wrong, Jon.”

Jon swallowed, looking anywhere but at us. “Uh...I’m gonna find Spencer...but come downstairs anyway.” Then he left, flashing one evil grin back at us before he shut the door.

“Okay. Get off me.” I pushed Brendon and he fell off the bed, landing with a thump on the floor. I got up and shook myself mentally while he frowned at me, scrambling up to the door.

We walked down the stairs, and with each step I felt my anxiety grow.


To tell the truth, I wasn’t nervous when I’d said I was. I was just - I didn’t know whether I could handle him going any farther.

I didn’t know whether I’d be able to keep control.

Something shiny whistled towards us as we paused at the door to the lounge, and I ducked as the can of drink flew through the space where my head had been moments before.

I screeched and leapt into the room, jumping over the back of the sofa and landing on Spencer and Jon.

“You were meant to catch that!” said Spencer indignantly. I noticed that he seemed extremely reserved despite what he’d done, and didn’t look anywhere near Ryan, who had moved awkwardly over to stand near me.

I climbed off them and went to retrieve the can from out in the hall. Red Bull. Hmm.

I came back to find Jon leaning over and talking quietly into Ryan’s ear. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, which pissed me off. When I walked over, Jon handed Ryan a can and moved back to Spencer.

I clenched my jaw but bounced over to Ryan and said, “Why don’t we just take this stuff upstairs and start playing?”

It was the last thing I wanted to do, but I wanted to get it over with. Besides, it could be fun tormenting Jon...I was surprised Spencer’s mother hadn’t kicked us out of the house, with all the noise we’d made since we’d been here.

“Yup,” said Jon straight away, grinning at Spencer. Spencer blushed and smiled back, rising and walking out of the room and up the stairs, Jon close behind.

I am so using that against you.

I nodded at Ryan and we followed them up to their room.

As we entered, Spencer locked the door after us, and my feeling of dread increased. Jon was already sitting on the floor, and I moved to sit down opposite him, eyeing him up.

I could feel Ryan sit close to me, which, of course, was not missed by Jon, who gave me a fleeting grin before looking up at Spencer as he sat down on his right. Spencer smiled at him and then turned to us, looking like he meant business.

“Right,” he said, turning to Jon. “You start.”

Jon frowned. “Okay...um...Brendon. Truth or dare?”

“Dare!” I said loudly as possible. Then I wondered whether that might be a bad choice.

“Um...” Jon furrowed his brow in concentration. “I dare you...to...make out with that bedpost!”

Okay, so he’d decided to be nice enough - for now.

I pouted. “But I’ve never made out with anything before!” I whined, and it was the truth.

I hadn’t.


I almost died when I heard Brendon say that: I’ve never made out with anything before.

How could someone as hot as him not have made out? It’s people like me that’ve never kissed, unless you count the times when you’re like, seven -

Brendon was crawling over to the edge of the bed, which only served to show off his ass even more, and he knelt by the bedpost saying, “Damn! You are a hot piece of ass, my sexy bedpost,” and pressing his lips to its surface, wrapping his arms and legs around it as he worked his mouth around the post the best he could. It looked hard.

For someone who’s never made out before, he’s doing a damn good job.

Then I wondered how the post felt.

Jon and Spencer were clutching each other; they were laughing so hard that they couldn’t breathe.

Brendon pulled away, his breathing slightly irregular. “Can I stop now?”

“Yeah,” I muttered and he sighed in relief. Jon and Spence wouldn’t have been able to say anything anyway. He dragged himself back to me and leant against my side.

“Hey, um, guys?” I wanted to ask this, just in case.

Jon sat up eventually and wheezed, “What, Ryan?”

“What - what happens if we don’t want to answer a question? You know for - for personal reasons...” I trailed off lamely.

Spencer sat up and looked at me like I was insane. “Dude, it’s truth or dare, you can’t hide -”

Jon cut in, grinning evilly at me. “If you want to pass, you have to kiss the person next to you.”

“That includes you, Walker.” Brendon glared at him. “By the way, do you know what could’ve been on that post? I could die of meningitis or something - I don’t know who’s made out with it previously...”

He moved into a sitting position, legs folded, and said, “Right...um - Spencer!”

Spencer instantly shut up and groaned. “Truth.”

I was scared now, of what might come out. Maybe this wasn’t the best time to start playing.

Brendon thought for a minute then asked, “Have you, um - have you had sex before?”

It wasn’t too devastating a question to ask. Spencer flushed, avoiding Jon’s eyes, and muttered, “Fine, um, no, I haven’t.”

“Okay, then it’s Spencer’s turn to ask someone,” said Brendon cheerfully, clearly trying to forget what he’d been forced to do.

Spencer looked at Jon and grinned; I noticed how his eyes lingered on Jon even after Jon had looked away. I hoped I wasn’t imagining things.


I moaned, scrunching my face up. “Yeah?”

“Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” I mumbled, not looking at anyone. I somehow knew that this dare would involve Brendon in some way, seeing as everyone thought we were...well.

I hoped I wouldn’t have to make out with the post too.

Spencer didn’t disappoint. “Hmm...I dare you to - to lie on top of Brendon for the rest of the game!”

I gasped. “W-what - facing or - or -” My mouth hanging open, I saw Brendon’s jaw drop and his eyes widen, glancing at me once before looking back at Spencer, horrified. With shaking hands, he reached for his untouched hyper-in-a-can and took a sip.

“Hmm,” said Spencer, turning to Jon. “Should they face each other or should Ryan lie face down on his back?”

Jon smirked. “Ooh, that’s tough...facing each other,” he finished almost instantly.

“Lie down Brendon!” sang Spencer. It was almost as though he had forgotten what had happened between us earlier, and yet it was hardly that long ago. I wanted to scream, I was so confused.

I could pass; but then I’d have to kiss him. It wasn’t like our passes made it better for us; sometimes it would be worse. You really didn’t know how the cards would play out in truth or dare, and when exceptions were made...Death could be either.

Damn him.

Brendon squeezed his eyes shut for a moment; the agony on his face was clear. Then he crawled in front of me, muttering, “Move back.”

He stretched out on his back, his head pointing towards the circle. He didn’t look utterly relaxed like he usually did. He raised his head to look me in the eye.

“Lie on top of me, Ry,” he murmured, placing his head back on the floor.

I couldn’t see Jon; I didn’t want to. I could tell he was shaking with silent laughter, as was Spencer. Why was he so happy? If, judging by what he’d tried to do, he did like me, why was he so ecstatic that I had to do this with Brendon? It didn’t add up.

I swung my leg over his hips, slowly lowering my body onto his until I could rest my head on his shoulder. Feeling his chest underneath his shirt, a dull heat rising in my face, I placed my chin on the floor, glaring at the others.

“Happy?” I scowled at them both.

Jon cocked his head thoughtfully. “Technically, you’re not lying on him; you’re more...crouching on him. You need to straighten your legs Ry.”

I really wished that I wasn’t doing this; at least, not in front of them.

Okay, I suck at writing these parts. Sorry to disappoint.

truth or dare, ryden

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