Post Pals is involved in the "Great British Duck Race", on the 2nd of September 170,000 rubber ducks will be released into the River Thames to raise funds for good causes. The first duck over the finish line will win £10,000 and there are 30 other prizes up for grabs! Ducks only cost £2 to sponsor with a little donation added on, for every £26 donated we will be able to send 100 postcards to seriously ill children and their siblings.
To sponser a duck please visit
here and select "Post Pals" from the drop down menu, please help spread the word by eposting this, putting on blogs, emailing etc.
If you work for a company they can register as a partner and be a big part of the fundraiser with all staff donations going to Post Pals
The closing time is midday on the 2nd September