Jul 21, 2007 18:21
You know when you have ME, in particular in the lower ability levels every little thing counts, a conversation with one person is harder with a tv on, crawling to pick something up is harder than having something passed to you, going somewhere local is easier than going somewhere futher. Well being hte good pacer that I am, I had a great day.
It all started with my Nan being admitted to hospital, I wanted us (Mum, Dad, Grumpy and I) to go out to dinner as we dont know when we will next be able to because of Nan. So if Im going to over do it I think, I might as well book a resutrant near the hospital so I can see Nan too... fair enough. Then the thought occoured to me that there are shops very close to the hospital and there are sales on. So I decided to go shopping for a little bit, visit nan breifly then have dinner!!!
Shopping was ok, I wasn't even slightly tempted by any clothes in the shop - fassion has gone insane, I'm all for colour but not that vivid! I went into Claire's as they had a 5 for £5 sale so I thought I would stock up on things for being an Elf at christmas, I picked things off the shelf with the great big sign on about 5 for 5. I get some nice bits like disney princess hairbands, get to the check out only to be told the things with a 50% off sticker are in the 5 for 5 sale. Well silly me for thinking it was the things on the shelf with the great big sign! By this point I was wanting to yell at the next girl who bumps into me, push the next shelf which is blocking my chair out of the way and ask them why the hell they feel the need to play music so loud! Needless to say I didnt get anything there, but i did get some pretty underwear in La senza and gifts in the Clintons sale.
Onto the hospital for 20mins, watch from nans window the airambulance, we were thinking the person had died on route by the fact staff stood there talking for a good 10mins before getting the patient out. Brought back memories of grumpys accident and I think made us all greatful to be in that small hospital room as a family doing something as normal as looking at shopping.
Onto the resturant, I had asked in advance for a quiet tab le and while I was waiting I layed down on a long seat which was pure bliss. Had a quick dinner and went home.
Since then I have done nothing but cancel physio, go online a few times for 10mins max etc I've been feeling better yesterday and today but still not great. I've not even opened my new harry potter book (im rather sadly a HUGE fan) Was the worst week I've had ME wise for a long time now. One day I'll master pacing (like not writing mamouth journal entries when i have a pile of things to do).
Anyway Nans PEG went in, all is good hoping for discharge early next week. My parents spent 8 hours in a traffic jam yesterday, the journey should of taken 1 and half hours!