I 'went to bed early' last night. I forced myself to stay awake until gone 9pm with great difficulty, so I wouldn't be awake early but I was 'up' by 11.30pm
That's one of those things I don't often think about but have slipped into family life quietly in the last 10 years. I tell my parents 'I'm going to bed', my grandpa doesn't ring until the afternoon incase I'm 'not up yet' and I 'turn in for the night', I also I announce to my parents that 'I've now gotten up'.
All every day phrases, all said while laying in bed.
Somehow 'going to bed' has changed from the act of going into a bedroom and getting into bed to actually mean 'I'm going to try and sleep'
'going to have a rest' even though I have been laying there doing nothing before proclaiming a rest means 'I'm going to try and get some good rest AKA do not disturb (and normally might as well mean 'I'm going to try and become very relaxed so bring on the jerks').
'I'm up' actually means 'I'm no longer trying to sleep or having undisturbed rest which means you are welcome to talk to me, maybe I might have my tv or iPad on, maybe I might need help with something'.
'breakfast' is the same everyone else has, the first food of the day, unlike most this can also occur at any time in a 24 hour period. It is eaten laying down in bed and normally followed by the announcement 'I'm going back to bed' (aka I feel rubbish and exhausted I'm going to try and go back to sleep, will probably spend next few hours drifting in and out of it). Breakfast also involves my 'morning' medications.
'lunch' see breakfast but events happening second time in 24 hours, sometimes involving conversation, quizzing whether there is any post for me today before carrying on the above events
'I'm going to turn in for the night' actually means 'I've taken my night time medications and am going to try and have my longest sleep of the day (or the 36 or 48 hour period if insomnia hits)'. This can be announced at any time of day including at breakfast time when my parents day is just starting (touch wood sleep patterns quite good at mo!).
On that note I am both 'going to bed' and 'turning in for the night' (what are the chances in 2 hours time I will be 'up'?)!
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