meme, help_haiti, etc.

Jan 20, 2010 09:19

Like the rest of the world, it's time for me to remind everyone that help_haiti is about to close its auction. My thread is here. The winning bid is currently only 7 dollars, for I am woefully unpopular (XDDDD;; ), so you can still get a fic for relatively cheap! =D I'm offering specifically minimum 1000-word fic for SPN, Doctor Who, Kuroshitsuji, Tsubasa:RC, Danny Phantom, or Transformers.

Anyway, you all know me and finishing memes, but I made a request and like the lemming I am I have to therefore post this:

The first ten people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. Some other equivalent gift, like icons or mini-fanmixes or quickie meta, would make sense for people who don't write fics themselves.

I'll do my best!

PS - tomoyoichiouji, I have every intention of doing the voicepost meme for you, but I have to be home alone first. XD;;; I should have a chance to do it tonight. =D

meme time!

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