dlgr, I gotta find my phone before I head over. WTF mate! That and my keys, fucking gone. I know they're around the house somewhere.
Dark Angel hasn't exactly stolen my soul, but the lack of good fandom anything has been making me crazy. Like ... an itch I can't scratch? I just got curious because ZOMG JENSEN ACKLES, like so many late-to-the-party DA fans, and it is what it is: a show that kind of sucked in its second season, but has JENSEN ACKLES playing a smartass. Hah. ♥
Max is a scary bitch. I like her for her intensity. I dunno what she was like in the first season and I guess I don't much care: her interaction with Alec (Jensen's character) cracks me the fuck up. She doesn't trust him, with pretty good reason because Alec isn't exactly trustworthy to start out, and Alec is a SMARTASS. And Max can generally kick his ass, a fact that Alec seems sort of mellow about.
But yes. An itch I can't scratch. The series, what little I can get hold of, doesn't have NEARLY enough Alec in it, as he's a secondary character. And most of the series is just BAD. Stupid bad, not like gouge-your-eyes-out bad. although the psuedo-science hurts my brain a lot; I mean, seriously, I only got to second-year microbiology and I know how bad the science is. Genetically coding in a barcode on the back of someone's neck? That's like ... genetically coding for a mole in a specific spot on your body.
On a side note, the deus ex machina used to 'neutralize' a virus in one of the books had me banging my head on my steering wheel. It was laugh-worthy.
The fanfic that got me curious in the first place is better than the series.
But most of the fanfic I've found since then is also horrendous. Max/Alec abounds, which is fine, I guess? But Max is painfully in love with Logan, and there's so many 'ZOMG Logan and Max discovered they just weren't right for each other and Max realized Alec was the only man for her!!!1!' type ... which is awful. I mean, bad for Max's character awful. It makes me sad.
And people! Seriously! Do you know how much FUN you can have with Alec's character? He was raised in military-like conditions, cut off from the outside world, taught to fight and kill. He had to take CLASSES TO LEARN SLANG. He's 22 when he finally steps outside Manticore for any significant length of time. It's a good bet he doesn't have a whole lot of experience with sex (although when he gets out he sure seems to enjoy it). In one of the early episodes he's totally fascinated by TV. Witness his totally bewildered look at being told by a girl 'I like you' in that one flashback, and how badly it messed him up.
Alec has NO PROBLEM with killing people. He was an assassin. He was taught to be one. I don't think 'Morals 101' was a class at Manticore. Why should he hate his killing assignments, as so many people write him doing? He doesn't like killing other X5's, but to him that's like killing brothers and sisters. But normal humans? Scruples is not something Alec posesses in great quantities, even as time passes on. He's still pretty blunt, asks the wrong questions at the wrong time (making him even more abrasive than he should be), could give a shit about the rights and wrongs of theft and breaking&entering, and that's just CANON. He kills a transgenic that doesn't look like him, no problem. The only time we see him have a problem with killing someone is when the girl in question is someone he's sharing puppy-dog love with.
Also, in 'Borrowed Time', I think we get Alec and Max's canon relationship in a nutshell. Max comes barging into his apartment, demanding Alec's help. She gets right in his face, about two feet away from him: he flinches back with a hand raised as if to ward off a blow. (Max spends a lot of time physically abusing Alec. Mostly punching his arms and slapping the back of his head.) Then pauses. Shrugs. "Okay."
Not in love. But Alec is WHIPPED. XD;;