it's beginning to get to me

Mar 21, 2010 17:23

Here's the absofrikinlutely most pain in the ass thing about dvds from the library: THEY SKIP!

At ALL the Good Parts. (And some of the crappy ones also, to be fair.) I'm watching 'Love and War' (or 'North and South: Book 2') and I've missed Charles and Augusta finally having sex, George's time in prison (and some of the awesome rescue), Virgilia decidedly Not Killing the guy in the field hospital, not to mention the Hugely Climactic With Killer Epic Musical Score reunion of Orrie and Madeline. Seriously? (Sadly, I've already checked my library's website and they do have book 2 on vhs. I'm considering it.)

I know there are actually, you know, Important Things in the world. It's just, I've got the day off, I've forbidden guilt about unaccomplished things, and I just wanted to wallow in the epic sweeping majesty. I had always liked the 2nd better than the 1st; More Happens, there's war and marriages and crazy Keith Carradine finally dies, etc. and so forth. And so, of course, the skippage is exponentially worse than on the first. And it doesn't really matter, as I've seen both before, but I've never seen the 3rd, and so when I get that next week, there best be no skipping! (Oddly, I've read the 3rd book but not the first 2...)

And now that I've gone on much too long...

I just need to bitch about the fact that I had a most awesome day yesterday with no signs of reactions to anything, and today I feel as if I slept on a bed of cat hair with down pillows and a dog on my feet and oak trees in full bloom in my bedroom with a nice herb garden of ragweed in my bathroom window with a layer of noxious mildew on my bathtub and vases of pollen-laden lillies on my nightstands... I can now see, breathe, function, but honestly? If this is what it's like NOW (with microscopic lilac buds and even smaller growth on the other trees), how in the world am I going to survive to my next birthday?

Any other options will be entertained, serious or not.

(Oh, and as further illustration that I'm having a Lazy Day, at the moment I'm rewatching NCIS on ondemand. All I'm saying is that Tony So Totally gave Ziva that chocolate. And that thought shall entertain me through my work thing tonight.)

north and south, allergies, ncis

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