Aion tästä lähin lisätä jokaista NaNoWriMoa käsittelevään merkintääni tuon etumerkinnän, notta teidän ystävälistalla olevien ei ole pakko lukea niitä. :) Tänä vuonna aion kirjoittaa NaNoani päivittäin ja postata tulosta
lasiorkidea :lle, notta sitä voi halutessaan lukea.
Tämänvuotisesta haastetopikista bongasin seuraavat (lähinnä notta olisivat jossain tallessa kun inspiraation puute iskee. :) ):
Have a character sing "If You're Happy And You Know It" during a really serious moment in the novel.
Have the title of every chapter be a song title from a band of your choosing. The fun part is making what happens in the chapter relevant to the chapter title!
Have a character who finishes every sentence with "...according to the prophecy."
"You built THAT in your room?"
"I could hardly build it in the kitchen, could I?"
Include a ghost that isn't unfriendly, isn't particularly friendly either, doesn't communicate much with the living, and just generally tolerates the people living in his house.
BP if he turns on the radio, just because he likes music
DBP if he takes occasional showers
TBP if the people living in his house (or place or whatever) know about him, and just say "Oh yeah, that was the ghost" like it's nothing weird
Write one whole chapter in the form of text message conversation
Include a character who always knows what's going to happen next
BP if no one thinks this is weird
DBP if no one listens anyway
TBP and a sprinkled donut if later, when the person turns out to be right, they point it out and no one believes them.
Have a character who is always trying to convince everyone that he/she is really a robot.
-Make one of your major characters a human thesaurus.
Bonus Points: If the other characters use his talents frequently throughout the story.
Double Bonus Points: If they ask him/her synonyms for really stupid or impossible things (especially articles like "the" and "an") or ask for antonyms for things that don't have any (like names, places, or technical terms).
Triple Bonus Points: If they ask for an alternate word in the middle of a climax or dramatic soliloquy.
"That's what she said."
--BP if a character says this as often as possible.
---DBP if they say this to totally random lines of dialogue.
----TBP if another character finally has an outburst and shouts "SHE DIDN'T SAY THAT!"
-----QBP AND A COOKIE if the "that's what she said" character responds to this by saying that yes, she did say that, it was recently brought up by Sarah Palin in the political debates.
Have a character who is always reading. Always
--BP if they run into stuff
--DBP if that's how they meet your main character
--TBP if it IS the main character
--QBP if it is the villian.
Have a character who is constantly, in every scene he/she is in, playing a video game
--Bonus if the game is Tetris
---Double bonus if this is during a battle scene
---Triple bonus if, by playing the video game, the character is unwittingly controlling the characters around him/her
Write a romance story where the hero is a a vampire who is also a retired ballet dancer.
BP=if his lover is also a vampire and the two of them are both hiding their vampire secret from the other.
DBP=if one of them is also a ghost
TBP=if set in a haunted house or haunted theater
Involve The Game somewhere in your novel...
Have a group of your characters get severely lost in a bus system.
Bonus points if this is late at night.
Double bonus if it's because the subways already closed, and they were forced to take a bus.
Have two characters hold a conversation while sitting in a tree
Dare: Have a character who always carries a towel with him/her.
BP: It's an MC
DBP: The character is hitchhiking at some point in the novel
TBP: It's vital to the plot
QBP: The towel's blue
Two Plates of Cookies and three Cakes: The character has read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.