Jun 23, 2005 01:36
I think it's funny how people constantly try to impress one another. We're never really ourselves, are we? or maybe we are. maybe we are who we pretend to be. I think we have numerous variations of ourselves. Different takes on the roles we play. I was talking to a friend of mine and she commented on how she dislikes hanging out with her boyfriend and her friends at the same time bc shes not sure which role to play. I found this humorous but true i guess. I think its something that corrects itself the more comfortable we become with ourselves. It seems to me like the people who are most talented and smart and beautiful are the most self conscious and uncomfortable with themselves where as people like me couldn't care less half the time. Not to say that Im not uncomfortable with myself because i am but ... i don't know...perhaps im just too lazy to do much about it. Life is funny, man. People are constantly surprising each other. Your best friend could screw you over while ur sisters sleeping with your husband all while a complete stranger is saving your life. everything everyday every moment something unexpected is happening.