Jun 01, 2005 23:57
It's sad how some people are. Some people have so much hate in them. so much resentment and insecurities and sadness. So many kids feel unworthy and unimportant. So many adults are so insecure with themselves that they can't tell the people who love them and care about them that they are loved or valued. That's what the difference is, I think, between people who are happy and the people who dont have hope. It's the knowledge that they are unconditionally loved. You'd be surprised at how much of a difference that can make in a persons life. When you hit your all time low- just knowing that there is sum1 out there who will love you no matter what is enough to keep you from going over the edge. It's your safety net. Your life boat. It makes all of the trials seem accomplish able. It makes all of our troubles seem less daunting. It's our rope, our salvation. Without it when we fall, we'd keep falling. Maybe that's why some people are so sad and terrible to each other. THey are afraid to fall bc they don't have a rope or a hand to catch them. Maybe we could all try to be their ropes-hold out our hands and offer to help them back up if they fall. If we are confident in our safety nets...then we know they can't pull us down with them---the ones who love us won't let them.