Sep 17, 2005 00:28
i'm going to fail my exam tomorrow. no for real. its ok though, i've accepted it, so its not so daunting. its just way out of my league, too much info and i dont even know where to start. its 10% of my grade, so i'll make sure to do well on everything else. this probably will be the semester that brings down my GPA. i guess there lies the study aborad double edge.
though i am getting some serious aggravating flashbacks from high school. when really smart girls who study and know their shit, are whining and having temper tantrums about how stupid they are and how they are going to fail. that shit is not cute. i actually am a person who has consistently failed throughout school, only recently passing classes in college years, and it aint cool to do bad in school. it sucks, to sometimes have the inability to do well at something, no matter how hard you try. its like the cool thing to say how stupid you are, so people could reinforce your intelligence. shit, i bet these people have never even gotten anything shy of a C, if that. i just walk by them, and shake my head, cause they suck.
I drew a face on my bellybotton. he looks like he is always upset. i sometimes make him eat my pens.
ok, i'm really tired. people email me your phone numbers, i lost my page with peoples digits.