(no subject)

May 15, 2007 00:07

arch_schatten tagged me:

WRITER'S MEME: Sometimes it's okay to pimp yourself out. Post a list of the top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

My first thought was "Have I even written five fics?" After thinking about it, I realized that I had. But have I written five things that I'm actually proud of? Let's find out.

Oh, and I'm not gonna tag anyone else because that's not how I roll. Actually, I think pretty much everyone on my f-list has been tagged already. But if you see this and want to do the meme, feel free!

1. A New Beginning, Bruce/Clark, PG-13.

Kind of a "duh". DVD commentary here.

2. The Odd Couples, Booster/Beetle and Batman/Superman, PG-13.

As long as I'm pimping myself out, I'll admit that I cracked myself up with this. Most of the dialogue sort of occurred spontaneously as I was writing.

3. Quickly! To The Broom Closet!, Batman/Superman, pseudo-R.

It took me so long to finish this one because I psyched myself out over it. Anyway, I learned that I'll probably always be more of a "fade-to-black" kind of writer instead of an explicit one, but that's okay.

4. Bat-Seat Driver, Batman/Superman, PG-13.

Life came a little too close to imitating "art" the other week. I was driving home from my geography class that gets out at 10:00 at night. I decided to take the "scenic route" home, meaning I drove on the county back-roads instead of through town. I was speeding along on the dark, twisty road when a possum suddenly ran out in front of me! Thankfully, I managed to swerve and neither the car nor the possum suffered any damage. Still, much like Bats in this story, I hate possums.

See, Australian possums are adorable:

Awww! Lookit him! So cuuuute!

But North American possums are just scary:

Dear God! Did you know that those things have over 50 teeth?!

And I see them in my yard all the time! I'm afraid they're going to eat my cat.

*shudder* Stephen Colbert has bears, I have possums.

5. Super-Poetry, Superman/Batman, PG-13.

No, I don't know what I was on when I wrote that either.

writing, possums, meme

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