And that question is:
If I were a character in a yaoi manga, would I be seme or uke?
Discover if You are Seme or Uke!
Created by ChiisaiYume on This is the result if Uke-in-Training! has the highest score.
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This is completely accurate for me. I'm a total sub, but I'm grouchy about it.
But I do wonder what one's height has to do with it. "I'm sorry sir, but you're simply not tall enough to make a convincing seme."
I went to the midnight premiere of Spider-Man 3 last night.
First of all, I want to say that I think Spider-Man 2 was a better movie in terms of plot and characterization. It was tighter, and Doc Ock was an incredible villain. I missed Alfred Molina while watching the sequel.
That said, any movie that includes Peter Parker behaving like John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever = win.
I do kind of wonder what Sam Raimi was on when he said to the other screen writer "You know we really need three-fourths of the way through this movie? A dance number!"
Still, after I got over my initial WTF reaction, I sat back and laughed. The scene in the jazz club was probably my favorite from the entire movie. Could Peter always play the piano, or was that one of his new Venom-powers?
The purposeful emo-ing of the hair was great. I kept expecting him to bust out the black eyeliner any minute.
The girl who plays Peter's landlord's daughter was on Joan of Arcadia. I miss Joan. It was my favorite TV show during high school.
I think the best fight sequence was the one between Venom-ified Peter and Harry at Harry's pad. The dialogue was ridiculous:
"I protected you all through high school, Pete! And now I'm gonna kick your little ass!"
"Your daddy didn't love you! Are you gonna cry, Goblin Jr.?"
Or something similar, anyway.
It wins for Bitchiest Fight Scene of the year. Harry also got randomly turned in to Two-Face or something when Peter used one of his own Goblin-bombs against him.
And man! Does Harry's butler suck! Dude, if you knew that Spider-Man wasn't responsible for Goblin's death, why did you wait until Harry had already made himself in to a super-villain before telling him? And are you supposed to be some sort of forensic analyst or something? You, sir, are no Alfred. Or even Jarvis.
The visual effects for Sandman were pretty cool, but I loved Eddie Brock as Venom. I salute you, Topher Grace.
Bruce Campbell pretty much stole the entire movie with his cameo as a French waiter. Of course, I would probably say that even if Bruce Campbell didn't do anything more than walk across the screen.
Peter and Mary Jane treated each other very badly during pretty much the whole movie. I guess they made up at the very end, but I would have liked to see more resolution about rebuilding their relationship. I think it was kind of pointless to bring Gwen Stacey into the movie-verse at this point too. At least Norman Osbourne is dead so she can't be having his Goblin-babies or anything.
All and all, I give Spider-Man 3 an 8 out of 10.