Bookworm Meme

Jan 26, 2007 01:24

Stolen from jen_in_japan

1. Grab the nearest book
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.

"The Empire identified him and ejected him. This time he will kill the Empire by phagocytosis*.

In many ways Fat's exegesis** makes more sense than Parsifal."

From: Valis by Philip K. Dick.

Doesn't everything make more sense than Parsifal?

This is actually Jake's book. One of the many things we never got around to giving back. I'm going to keep this, but I will give back The Chronicles of Narnia and Reds. Someday. Just dump them on his porch or something.

And I want my copy of Scarecrow: Year One back, dammit! Along with those random issues of Green Arrow and Desolation Jones he still has.

He gave me the action figure of JLU Rocket Red the last time I saw him. It's still sitting on my desk because it's too cute to get rid of...

Ah, the unique pain of two comic book geeks breaking up.

*Phagocytosis: the ingestion of a smaller cell or cell fragment, a microorganism, or foreign particles by means of the local infolding of a cell's membrane and the protrusion of its cytoplasm around the fold until the material has been surrounded and engulfed by closure of the membrane and formation of a vacuole: characteristic of amebas and some types of white blood cells.

**Exegesis: critical explanation or interpretation of a text or portion of a text, esp. of the Bible.

jake, geekiness, angst, meme

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