Fic: Controlled 36/45

Dec 04, 2006 20:35

Title: Controlled (36/45)
Author: Viktoria Angelique
Rating: NC-17 for series, G for this part
Pairing: Elijah/Viggo
Warnings: BDSM, angst
Disclaimer: If this were true the world might be a better place.
Feedback: I love it!
Summary: Elijah is alone.
A/N: This may well be the shortest chapter in the series, and probably doesn't deserve its own chapter at all, but... *shrugs*. Here it is.

Previous Chapters

Elijah wasn’t surprised that the next week was hard. What did surprise him was, despite the fact that they were miles away from each other and would be until the first of November, Viggo never called.

Elijah tried not to think the worst. After a week however, he strongly suspected that it was over. Viggo was tired of him, had moved on, had decided that he couldn’t be Elijah’s boyfriend anymore, or maybe just couldn’t be what Elijah had wanted him to be. Elijah didn’t want to take back what he had said, for it was his right to have said it, but it hurt not to have Viggo to talk to, yell at, get frustrated with, or make love to.

To his credit, Sean was a big help. He didn’t ask too many questions, and he helped Elijah stay focused at work without losing himself outside of it. He came over several nights to be sure Elijah was eating, be sure he wasn’t drinking too much. Christine made Elijah food, and Ally drew him pictures of smiling suns and meadows full of flowers. Though Elijah wasn’t in much of a smiling, sunshiney mood, it was nice to know someone cared.

Not only did Viggo not bother to call, however, but neither did anyone else. He supposed he couldn’t really blame them. Dom and Billy were back to the South Island to film Pellenor Fields out on Te Anau. Dave was back in Australia until the beginning of December, and Hugo wouldn’t arrive till the day before they filmed the last Rivendell scenes. Ian, Orli, Miranda, Karl, and Bernard were all on Te Anau as well, along with the few friends Elijah had made in the crew. He supposed he should be thankful for the fairly light filming going on with himself and Sean, now that most of Mordor was done, but Wellington was a lonely place to be with everyone he cared about missing or not talking to him.

Several times, Elijah picked up his mobile and considered dialling the familiar numbers, but he couldn’t do it. He wouldn’t capitulate. Viggo owed him an apology, and Elijah wouldn’t give in until he got one. To be fair, he had said they needed time to think. Viggo was probably just taking that time. Elijah convinced himself that whatever Viggo’s decision was, he would accept it. He was a man, and he could move on. If not, there was always alcohol.

Of course, Elijah did some thinking of his own about their relationship. He thought about the role Viggo had taken on, as both his protector and a constant comfort. Viggo was good at domination, and he was also a good boyfriend. That amazing intuition that Elijah had noticed from the start hadn’t faded; it just seemed that Viggo had been paying so much attention to Elijah’s needs that he had sacrificed any time he had to spend on his own problems.

Elijah knew Viggo despised therapy, and would rather lock himself in a room with his paintbrush and canvas than talk to a professional about what was wrong, but he did wonder if the issue was too big for them to handle alone. Viggo was a jealous person, okay, so a lot of people deal with jealousy. That didn’t even bother Elijah so much, but it did bother him that he had used it to make Elijah feel guilty, that he had brought it into the bedroom in the way he did, and that it made him unable to trust Elijah. He reminded himself, if he and Viggo ever did have the chance to work this through, to ask Viggo about his relationship with Christine. There had to be something there that Elijah wasn’t getting.

When Elijah wasn’t thinking or working, he watched a lot of films. He went to some art galleries as well, but that reminded him too strongly of Viggo, so he focused on films. All the cashiers at the local video store knew him by face and name, as well as membership number, probably, and he spent the time he had alone reminding himself why he loved what he did. Why, no matter what happened with his relationship, he still had acting. It seemed little consolation, but there wasn’t much else for him to do.

So, Elijah worked.

And he waited.
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