Fic: Controlled 35/45

Nov 30, 2006 12:13

Title: Controlled (35/45)
Author: Viktoria Angelique
Rating: NC-17 for series, PG-13 for this part
Pairing: Elijah/Viggo
Warnings: BDSM, angst
Disclaimer: If this were true the world might be a better place.
Feedback: I love it!
Summary: Karl takes Elijah out to apologise.
A/N: Uh, I promise it won't be this angsty for too much longer...

Previous Chapters

In October, Elijah and Viggo were again separated by their filming schedules, with Viggo based in Queenstown to access the Edoras and Pellenor Fields sets while Elijah remained with Sean in Wellington. After two weeks, however, Viggo along with Karl and Ian were given three days back in Wellington, including one day off. Elijah was quite thrilled by this development, but was somewhat wary when Karl called about having dessert together the second night.

Elijah was prepared to decline, but Karl explained that he had never apologised for his behaviour when they first met, and that he wanted to set things right before Elijah left New Zealand. Hearing the sincerity in the older man’s voice, Elijah agreed to be picked up at his house and taken to a small shop that specialised in coffee, pastries, and gelato.

Their conversation began amiably enough, and Elijah soon found himself chatting happily with Karl about his life and work in New Zealand as he munched on his pistachio-flavoured gelato.

“Is it weird, working with all the same people? I mean I’ve worked with some people more than once, but here it seems like every fucker off the street has been on either Shortland Street or Xena.”

Karl laughed and took a bite of his pastry, shaking his head. “I don’t complain, because there’s usually work. And hell, when this came up we all knew we’d have a job for at least part of the year. I knew Peter and Fran before I’d ever heard of the project, so it wasn’t too difficult to get an audition.”

“Do you like travel or do you prefer it here?” Elijah asked.

“Well, everyone likes getting away from home sometimes. But I don’t think I’d ever be able to live in LA or London. I’m used to it here, and it’s the best country in the world in my opinion. I just don’t have a desire to live anywhere else.”

“I don’t blame you,” Elijah sighed. “I’ve lived in LA forever, it seems, but it’s not good for much other than work, and my mom and siblings. I’m thinking about getting a place in New York, maybe, but it would be wonderful to live out here. Just, not as much work…”

“Yeah, I’d imagine it’d be a bit of an adjustment getting used to having to work to find parts,” Karl replied. Elijah frowned, sensing something a bit off in his comment, but Karl smiled and Elijah realised he was just kidding around. Elijah just needed to lighten up.

“You never know. I might decide to fuck off the industry sometime; go indie.”

Karl grinned. “Would you like to do that?”

Elijah shrugged. “Part of me would. I love independent movies, independent music. I’ve managed to survive most of the Hollywood bullshit though, so it seems silly to leave now. I get out a lot when I’m filming on location, anyway. Anywhere I had a place would be fairly pointless since I’m never home as it is.”

“You live with your family?”

“Yeah, with my mom. It makes the most sense.”

“Parents divorced?”

“Very. I haven’t seen my dad in years.”

“Do you want to?”

“Hell, no.”

“Ah.” Karl smiled sympathetically. “How many siblings do you have?”

“Two; a brother and a sister. Hannah and I are really close. Zach and I not as much, but he’s a lot older.”

“Yeah, I have a brother. We used to be close but not so much anymore.”

“Do you live in Wellington normally?”

“No; I have a house in Auckland. My parents still live here, though.”

“Oh, okay. I haven’t gotten to spend much time in Auckland, but Vig and I were there for a couple of days when we went on a vacation for spring break.”

“Did you have a good time?”

“Yeah… the whole thing was an amazing vacation. We drove all over the North Island, took a little less than two weeks.”

“You probably know my country better than I do by now.”

Elijah laughed. “I doubt that. Are you about ready to head back?” he asked after a pause, nodding at their empty dishes. “I told Vig I’d be home by nine,” he explained apologetically.

Karl smiled and nodded. “Sure thing. Man’s got you under lock and key, does he?”

Elijah frowned as they stood and headed to the door. “Not really… I just don’t want him to worry.”

“Right.” Karl smiled as if sharing a secret, and Elijah felt vaguely uncomfortable as Karl drove him to Viggo’s house in relative silence.

“I’ll walk you to the door,” Karl offered when they pulled into Viggo’s long driveway, and Elijah nodded in agreement, crunching up the gravel walk next to Karl.

“Thanks again,” Elijah offered when they were standing on the front porch. “I appreciate the apology, and the dessert.”

Karl smiled, stepping a bit closer under the porch light. “No problem. It was my pleasure,” he replied. Elijah frowned, noticing something entirely unfamiliar in Karl’s eyes, and started to step back before Karl reached out and touched his neck, or rather, the velvet collar just visible where the top button of his shirt collar was unbuttoned. Elijah flinched, and Karl’s smile was predatory. “Lock and key indeed. So I guess my feeling about you was right…”

For some reason, Elijah remained rooted to the ground, unable to move as Karl’s fingers caressed his throat and stroked the edge of the band. He didn’t need to do much, however, for at that exact moment the door flew open, and a very angry Viggo was quickly pinning Karl to the porch railing, the big man’s upper body tilting dangerously backwards over the waist-high rail.

“Karl, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt,” Viggo spoke, his voice deceptively cool. Elijah backed up against the opposite railing, not wanting to see the icy flash in his lover’s eyes. They had given Karl one second chance, and Elijah got the feeling Viggo wouldn’t be so generous with another.

“So answer me this,” Viggo continued, almost casually. “Do you know anything, anything at all, about BDSM? Etiquette, relationships, anything? Because if you don’t, then I might just be able to excuse the fact that you touched another man’s boyfriend’s collar without permission. My boyfriend’s collar, Karl. But if you do…”

“Oh, I’ve been around the block a few times, Viggo.” The way Karl pronounced Viggo’s name was mocking, his snarl incendiary, and he soon found himself flung down the steps by his shirt collar, landing on his arse in an ungraceful heap on the walk.

“Get the hell off of my property, Urban, or I’m calling the police.”

Elijah watched as Viggo stormed inside, and then risked a look back at Karl, who was getting back to his feet and brushing himself off. He winked at Elijah, his lips curling into a rude smirk, and Elijah just shook his head, disgusted and upset that his trust had been violated. Flipping two fingers behind him in a gesture that was sure to translate to the Kiwi, he followed Viggo inside.

“The audacity!”

Elijah leaned against the living room wall, watching his lover pace back and forth, muttering to himself. After a moment, Viggo turned and acknowledged Elijah, probably hoping to receive words of comfort. They were not given.

“How dare you, Viggo? You want to talk about audacity? You were watching me!!”

Viggo stopped in his pacing and stared at Elijah in disbelief. “Of course I was watching you… I heard the car pull up and wanted to be sure you were all right…”

“Be sure I was all right, or be sure I was behaving myself?” Elijah’s hands were on his hips, his eyes flashing with defiance. “What happened to trust, Viggo? What happened to telling each other everything? Have you ever gotten any indication, any at all, that I was interested in cheating on you?”

Viggo shook his head. “No, but I was just trying to…”

“I’m an adult, Viggo! If I had needed your help, I could have yelled for you.”

“But you weren’t doing anything…”

“I was in shock! If you had given me five lousy seconds, I would’ve pushed him off and asked him to respect me, and my relationship, but you didn’t give me that chance. You had to fucking watch through the peephole like somebody’s father…”

“I am somebody’s father, Elijah…”

“Yeah, well you sure as hell aren’t mine!” Elijah just stood still for a moment, fuming, before he spoke again, his voice lower. “I was guilty, Viggo. To think, I felt guilty that night in Queenstown because you were jealous, because you didn’t have enough control. All I thought of was what I could do to make it better, how I could make it better. But it was your fucking issues that got us into this, not mine! You want to talk to me, then talk to me! Tell me what’s wrong! Tell me why you can’t trust! But don’t stand at the fucking peephole and spy on me. I can’t take that. Don’t turn the way we have sex into something hurtful and psychological, Viggo. That’s abuse, and I won’t fucking take it.”

Viggo stared at his normally docile boyfriend, always with a bit of an attitude but rarely when it came to him. He stepped forward, reaching his arm out, but Elijah just backed away.

“No. Don’t touch me.”

“Baby, please…”

“I need some time to think, and so do you. You told me when we started this relationship to let you know if you fucked up. Well you’ve fucked up, Viggo. You’re not capable of dominating me right now, and I’m not even sure you’re capable of loving me.”

And with that, Elijah spun around and headed out the door. When he hit the porch, where it all had happened, he started at a dead run and didn’t stop till he was about a mile down the road, almost to the house Viggo had lived in the previous autumn, sobbing and out of breath. Sitting on the side of the road, his breath hitching, he thought about what he had done. He thought about Karl, and Viggo, and control. And he thought about an eighteen year old boy and a forty-year old man, skipping stones on a pond yards from this very spot, a week before Thanksgiving and miles away from home.
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