(no subject)

Nov 18, 2010 16:57

OMG you guys seventh Harry Potter movie (part one) tonight. Oh my god.

First of all I have to coordinate groups arriving from Pomona and Riverside all converging on my little college and I'm frightened and worried that no one will get there on time and we won't get good seats. And of course people will get lost. DDDD:

And then of course the movie. Guys, I haven't picked up the book itself since I finished it July 21st, 2007. But I can still recall bits and pieces of it clearly.

I hated that book. How am I possibly going to stand the movie? Without walking out, yelling at the screen, or just feeling my soul crushed? OMGOMGOMG.

Expect random thoughts.

Read on a forum that Harry's acceptance of Dumbledore's plan is a sign of character development - he is able to trust authority after being virulently anti-authority in book five. It's an interesting thought, but I'm still not sold on that whole Blind Faith Will Save Us All bit. I'm just not.

Oh god I hope everyone gets here okay.

And this is also night ONE of the Weekend of Not Enough Sleep. GO!

harry potter

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