I took the SAT this morning.
and, coincidentally, I saw Sabrina ahead of me in line. She's the only person who'd wear turquoise knee length socks with black, almost-knee length boots. No, correction, she's the only person who'd wear that and be able to carry it off. She didn't see me, which is just as well - I'd probably give her a heart attack.
I also saw Christie (
attirez) the totally chill - she was hanging with some girls I didn't know, but I was comforted by one friendly face! <3
My brain kind of fizzled for four hours afterward, but I managed to come up with some thoughts on Heroes (I managed to see the new episode last night!! SciFi Channel, I love you.) (And I managed to watch the pilot online. NBC, I love you.).
- Okay, 5 years in the future, how many powers do we see divvied up between Sylar and Peter the power mimics? Flight, telekinesis, invisibility, badass radiation, healing, time/space stuff, clairvoyance, walking-through-walls stuff. Oh, yeah, and the ability to look exactly like another person, which happens to get a sociopath in the White House. (What else is new.) Um, 'scuse me, writers of Heroes, but that's kind of cheating. You've made two characters who are simply too powerful to be believed (in a story that includes... well, never mind). Contrary to popular belief, it's actually really boring to have a character who's invincible. Just ask Superman. There ought to be some sort of limit on their powers - like, you can only have one at a time, or -- ooh! You can have all the powers you like, but having all those powers will wear out your body and make you old before your time, even if you have healing powers. There's got to be some sort of compromise.
- I want to meet Masi Oka and become friends with him. No, seriously. I'll put him on my list along with Hugh Laurie, Kristin Chenoweth, Philip Pullman, and J.K. Rowling. Imagine.
- My folks and I came up with a list of lame superpowers. These include:
The ability to become deaf at will. Not make other people deaf, to become deaf yourself.
The ability to cause blackouts wherever you go.
The ability to black out wherever you go - Meet Mr. Possum.
The ability to put your hand on a book and know the contents immediately - "Finally! The last Harry Potter! *touch* NOOO!!!"
The ability to shrink yourself - unfortunately, you can't grow back.
The ability to talk to animals - unfortunately, the only ones with anything to say are dolphins, and they tend to just go "Splashy splashy, look at me! Wahoo! Hmm, I want fish. I want opposable thumbs. But mostly I want fish."
Now I'm reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I'm almost done, too. Harry & Ron have taken Lockhart to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.
Oh, and thanks to everyone who participated in the daemon meme! From a fox to a spider to a fox to a mouse to a snow leopard. It's fascinating.