What we're searching for ; JaeMin
roselit @
papersidegeneral, fluff if you squint
G ; 864w.
So concentrated on the storm, we sometimes don't notice what comes after.
A/N: Dedicated to
mcgrjc6 and everyone else who has supported me and my writing. ♥
Jaejoong’s lips curve upward slightly. 'Right?' )
Please never listen to haters!! Your Obsidian fic is actually one of the ones that got me into writing in this fandom in the first place. I love how real they are...
Listen to those of us who love and adore you and never let the people who don't make you give up...show them that they can't get you down...::hugs tightly::
ahh, really? i never knew; i'm really flattered! lol. thank you! i'm always feeling bad about obsidian, because it's going on half a year since the last update, and it kind of feels like i'm letting the readers down. ;;
but yeah, i'm learning to stand back up from all this. :) it's slow, but i think i can do it. thank you so much!
Don't feel bad. I understand...and so do a lot of writers. You aren't letting us down at all...::hugs::
Can I ask what happened? I didn't know that you got flamed...I got one on a fic I wrote back in the anime fandom...
Never let anyone else, especially someone you've never met/spoken to, make you give up on something that you love to do. You're an amazing writer, and that's all there is to it.::hugs::
it really did hurt, and i was so intent on giving writing up. but i figured that haters will hate, and those who genuinely do despise me or my writing can very well just scroll on past. there's no need to waste time clicking on my links if my writing style bothers them so much. the most i can do is improve, which i'm always trying to do. i can't please everyone, though.
thank you for your endless support and for always reading. :D ♥
Always keep the faith~!
feel free to message me if you ever feel like it~! You're an awesome girl and I'd love talking to you more~
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