The Princess and the FrogWalt Disney Animation Studios presents the musical THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG, an animated comedy set in the great city of New Orleans. From the creators of "The Little Mermaid" and "Aladdin" comes a modern twist on a classic tale, featuring a beautiful girl named Tiana (ANIKA
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No, Nhowy. I haven't eloped with the seminarian. No, Clao. I haven't kidnapped him yet. And, no. I haven't gone to the convent either. (As if they'd accept me there.)
Fangirling Mnyers. This is so late. Thanks to everyone who linked me to the new pot and the pretty Fuji ass it contained. I'm so glad my OTP is still in SPOT. \o/
I have one thing to say: the ball that Fuji handed to Tezuka is...