These questions are for
nathir_twinsoul's group report in Art Studies. Her group's topic is 'Fanfiction' and I think she wants to add bits about fan art and doujins as well... I thought my WONDERFUL LJ FRIENDS can share their thoughts. :D We'll be extremely grateful for the help. :D
to fanfic readers: Why do you read fanfiction?
to fanfic writers: Why do you write fanfiction?
to artists: Why do you draw fan art?
to everyone: Why do you read doujins?
(Other questions will be posted as soon as we're not writing lab reports.)
LOL. 'For the Tezuka/Fuji!!!' kind of answer will be accepted but might not really help. XD (Shall post up my answers - all of which include 'For the Tezuka/Fuji!!!' - later, when I'm not supposed to be labrepping. Stupid lab reports.
I HAS 3rd VOLUME OF CHRESTOMANCI!!! But I will not read. I will not read. I will not read. See... Am planning to update Getting There this weekend so... no reading. At least not yet.
a1y-puff, I LOVE YOU!!!