OK, this really should have been posted on Friday, but I'm super-lazy lately when it comes to my LJ, so it's a couple days late. Now I'm at work again and just procrastinating.
In all our rooms we have those 4 cup coffee makers. It's part of our franchise agreement. The company we get them from is a great company, very easy to get along with, the delivery guy is awesome and the service is prompt. HOwever they must have hired a new office person cause they are dense.
I had a call Friday morning from them, inquiring about payment. We had given the check to the delivery guy and I told her that she needed to take it up with him. She said OK, and hung up (it wasn't the usual girl we talk to).
About 2 hours later I got another call from them, different girl from the last and a different girl than we normally talk to. She was inquiring about our overdue account. I told her that I had already spoken with a girl about the check that was missing that we'd given it to the delivery guy. Yes, she knew that they had that check. She wanted to know where to apply the payment, the invoices labeled with out company name or the invoices labelled with the restaurants (which is managed seperately currently) name. I told her that the checks from us were ONLY to be applied to our company charges, that the restaurant was paid seperately. She said "OH really? YOu don't pay 's?"
Being in a nice mood at the time, I told her nicely no, that yes they were at the same physical location, but where managed seperately. Yes, it was a bit confusing as we'd had problems in the past with this. I told her the phone number to call, the full names of who to talk to and even the hours they were in, as well as to leave messages with our staff and they would get the restaurant staff to call them back. She repeated back to me the info I gave her and I thought we were done.
She then says "So this check, does it go toward or 's invoices." ... DUH I then tell her "Do you have the stub of the check?" "Yes I do" "Is there invoice numbers on it?" "Yes there is" "Those are the invoices it pays. We NEVER pay the restaurants bills, you will have to take that up with them." "Oh, OK, thank you" End Conversation.
Now tell me, all you wonderful, reasonable and intelligent people....Was I unclear? Was I vague about what I was paying? Wouldn't your first clue, if you work in accounts receivable be that the invoices on the check stub are the invoices THE CHECK IS PAYING??