In the next few days, the website will be opened for vid submissions for both Premieres and Vidder's Choice! Keep an eye on our social media to find out exactly when submissions open and how to submit your vid through the site, but in the meantime, have a think about what you might like to submit.
Absolutely any vidder can submit a premiering vid to VidUKon. You do not need to be attending or supporting the convention. You do not need to be at any particular level of skill or experience. The vid you submit can be in any fandom, genre or style. It can be a solo vid or a collaboration. The only requirement is that the vid be completely new, showing for the first time at the con. This means that once you submit it to us, you cannot release it online or show it at any other convention until after the Premieres show on Saturday night of the con. After that you can release the vid as usual.
The deadline for Premieres is Monday 13 May, so make sure to upload your vid to the site before then. Ideally we prefer vids to be submitted in our standard Premieres format - there's more information about how to achieve this at the bottom of
THIS POST. However, if you're unable to do this for whatever reason, please submit your vid anyway and we can handle it - we'd hate to lose out on your vid!
Vidder's Choice
Vidders who are attending or supporting the convention can submit one of their own existing vids to this show. It can be any vid at all that you've made, so long as it has been previously released online or at a convention. This is an opportunity to highlight a hidden gem, celebrate an old favourite, or maybe even drag a few new people into an obscure fandom!
The deadline for Vidder's Choice is also Monday 13 May. Vids can be uploaded in any format. If you are planning to purchase a supporting membership in order to have a vid included in the show, you will need to register before uploading a vid. (If this is a problem for any reason, though, please get in touch and let us know!)
Registration Deadlines
The deadline for
registering to attend VidUKon 2019 in Cardiff, UK is Sunday 12 May.
Supporting memberships are also available - as a supporting member you will not attend the con but you will have real-time access to the virtual convention. You can register as a supporting member until Friday 31 May, but if you plan to take advantange of the opportunity to submit to Vidder's Choice, you will need to have registered before the Vidder's Choice deadline.
So, a quick breakdown of upcoming dates:
May 12 - deadline to register to attend VidUKon 2019
May 13 - deadline for submitting vids for Premieres and Vidder’s Choice
May 31 - deadline to purchase a supporting membership for VidUKon 2019
June 14-16 - the convention