If you're coming to this year's VidUKon, or you're thinking about it, here's what's in store for 2019:
Friday 14 June, 2019
13:00 Registration (registration will continue to be open between sessions after this)
14:00 Informal vid-watching/Social time
15:00 Coffee/tea break
15:30 VIDSHOW: 2009 Retrospective
16:30 Break
18:00 Quiz
19:30 VIDSHOW: Vidder's Choice
21:00 VIDSHOW: Be Gay, Do Crimes
22:00 Lithy & Doccy's "Tea" Party
Saturday 15 June, 2019
09:45 VIDSHOW: Festivids
10:45 VIDSHOW: Behind the Scenes
11:45 Coffee/tea break
12:00 PANEL: Group Vidding Workshop
13:30 Lunch (hallway buffet to allow the group vidding to continue into lunch if necessary)
15:00 VIDSHOW: A Brief History of Found Footage Film
16:00 Break
16:15 VIDSHOW: Monsters
17:15 PANEL: Anatomy of a Vid
18:15 Dinner (Thomas Restaurant)
20:15 VIDSHOW: Eurovision
21:15 VIDSHOW: Premieres
Sunday 16 June, 2019
10:00 Vid Show: Best of CreaSpace
11:00 VIDSHOW: But What About Teh Menz?
12:00 PANEL: New Exciting Tech Developments
13:00 Lunch
14:00 PANEL: Year In Review
15:00 VIDSHOW: Storytelling
16:00 Feedback
This schedule may be subject to small changes closer to the con, but this is the rough shape of the weekend! Since there's only one programming track, attendees who wish to can attend every session, but the breakout room is always available if you want to skip a session to chat, relax or vid!
Registration for the con is open until Sunday 12 May (bear in mind that rooms in the reserved convention block are no longer available.) Supporting membership is available until Friday 31 May if you'd like real-time access to the virtual con. If you'd like to submit a premiere or a Vidder's Choice vid, the deadline is Monday 13 May.