Jan 05, 2008 04:15
It's been a long time since I've posted in this bad boy. Things have been going really well lately, a lot better than in the past. It's a new year and I have great aspirations for the months ahead. I'm in a new band and I think things are heading in a really cool direction. I have so much fun writing and playing music. All I want is to be able to play what I want for people who like to listen without having to worry about the monetary situation. Hopefully something will happen that will make that possible in the future.
I've also realized that my views on so many things have changed over the past few months. Relationships, life, friends, music, pretty much everything. I like to think that I possess a more open mind now than I did a year ago.
One observation I've made is that so many people in this town are so hollow and fake. It really gets under my skin, I'm not too sure why. I know I shouldn't worry about what these people do with their lives but I can't help but get irritated when I see it. I'll be the first to admit I'm not perfect by any means. I do what I think is right and live my life as best I can. It's those who try to make themselves out to be something completely different, those who try to live their lives in such a way as to impress other people. Those are the people who just confuse me to no end. What's the point of being alive if you're not being true to yourself? Why follow in somebody else's foot steps when you can wear your own path?
The ongoing trends also really irk me sometimes. It feels to me like there's always some style that's making its rounds. Yeah, I know this isn't anything new. This has happened every decade for as long as any of us can remember. I just wish people would stop following like lemmings into a hell of bland, bleak, and boring conformity. It doesn't bother me so much with the clothes and things of that nature. Wear whatever the fuck you want, I don't care. Where it really hits me is with art and expression, mainly music.
I feel like lately every band is trying to be the next ______ . It's all just coming out sounding like a cookie cutter mashup of stale shit. If it were up to me I'd say don't follow the format, don't think that you can use some formula to churn out good music. Guess how we got some of the greatest artists in history. The Beatles, Elvis, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, and so many more. They didn't adhere to the set standards, they played what they wanted to play, they were true to themselves, and people listened.
This is all just turning into a giant rant that nobody will read so I suppose I'll end it now. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wish people would stop following the trends and fads and just be who they are, not who their favorite band is or who the people they wish they hung out with are.
If anyone read this at all, thanks for taking the time.