We have 5 nice icons!
Vote for four icons total-three for best overall, and one for the special category, like this:
1st: 43
2nd: 35
3rd: 22
Special: 50
43, 35, 22
Please make it sure your vote follows a format similar to the ones shown above. Make sure they are in order from your 1st choice to 2nd choice. 1st choice icon will get 3 pts, 2nd choice 2 pts, and 3rd place 1 pt. You must be a member to vote. All four numbers you put down MUST be different or we'll discard your vote! Also remember not to vote for yourself.
The special category this week will be [ Most Creative ]. This is the icon that shows the most originality from the others through its cropping, blending, captioning, or typography, etc.
- 01 -
- 02 -
- 03 -
- 04 -
- 05 -
Featured Characters:
01 - Lenneth Valkyrie; Valkyrie Profile
02 - Amaterasu & Issun; Okami
03 - Dante; Devil May Cry 3
04 - Jam Kuradoberi; Guilty Gear X
05 - Kairi; Kingdom Hearts
Voting will end this Sunday (June 24) at 10PM CST. All members are allowed to vote regardless of whether they entered an icon.