Vidder profile series

Jul 25, 2009 08:57

As part of the vid_commentary community, I'll be posting a series of video profiles of vidders starting August 1 (one week from today).

Each profile will feature excerpts from the vidder's work from throughout the years along with an interview with the vidder about his or her style, approach, and general thoughts on vidding. I'm planning to post a new featured vidder on the first Saturday of every month through August 2010, and possibly beyond.

Once the series begins, please feel free to share your thoughts or suggestions about the series via LJ reply, private message, or by emailing bradcpu(at)

I hope that the profiles can give us not only a little more insight into the minds of the featured vidders, but more perspective on our own work and the nature of vidding in general. It already has for me!

xposted to vidcommentary, my lj

moderator, vidder profile

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