Barely Breathing - Chapter 25

Feb 08, 2011 12:27

Chapter 25 - Let Me Be Your Valentine

July 03, 2009 Madrid, Spain: 1:49 PM

“Are you sure everything’s alright?”

Blinking I turned to Missy. She sat beside me on the bus, the magazine in her hands all but forgotten. We were seated in the front of the bus together while the guys hung out in the back playing video games. Our bus was on the way to Bam’s current skateboarding demo and according to the driver we’d be at there pretty soon.

Smiling sweetly at her I played with the hem of my jeans. “Yeah, just thinking. It’s hard not to with all the cool scenery.”

Lamest excuse ever, but it worked. My cousin was perceptive, but easily won over. Please with my answer she went back to her magazine. I let my focus go back to the view of the city as it passed the window.

It had been days since the incident at the club. The silence, which followed, had been both beautiful and straining. Dunn had taken to ignoring my general presence. He seemed to only fall into deep thought when I was around. I really was thankful for it. On the other hand it had afforded me a generous amount of time to think. Think about all the times we had argued and what we had argued about.

Since that evening thoughts of Ville and I had been eating at me. He was by my side constantly, in my dreams, and the only person who truly attempted to understand my actions lately. We had only met about a month ago, and for all the sappy ridiculousness of it I was irrevocably attached to that man. He wasn’t perfect, I could tell that. We had arguments, he snapped at me just as I did to him, sometimes he got distracted during conversations, he smoked like a chimney, and he had workaholic habits that he pretended didn’t exist when we were together. I still noticed though, and I found it overwhelming intriguing. I had spent many an evening with the band, just listening to them talk shop. Peeked inside his notebook when he asked my opinion.

I was so invested in him it was hard not to see what Dunn did. He had a point; we hadn’t been dancing like friends at the club. I was lying to myself that night when I wanted not to know the feelings he had brought up.

With all of his imperfections and oddities I found his company addictive. I found him addictive. I loved talking to him. I loved being near him. And it was time to admit to myself that I might even being falling in love with him.

That wouldn’t end well for either of us if anyone found out. Dunn will have been right, well, he was right. I just couldn’t stand to let him know. Bam would never trust me again. Ville may never speak to me again. That was something I wouldn’t willingly risk. So, if Missy asked again, I would be fine. If Ville made an observation, I would be peachy. If Dunn decided to be a jerk I would deny anything, just as I had been. Everything would stay, as it was, comfortable. Strained, but comfortable.

As the last thought drifted through my head the bus pulled to a stop at a large skate park. There were large crowds milling behind the gates. The guys would be busy with this one for a while after the actual demo was over. Bam always obliged fans with autographs and pictures.

“Fuck you, Novak! That was a cheap shot and you know it.” Bam’s shouts of outrage echoed from the back. They must have finished their game.

The three shuffled to the front while Novak laughed his ass off. “I still won, not my fault you were distracted.”

Dunn was behind the others as they came to stand with Missy and I. “Can’t we just be happy he made the shot with clothing on.”

“It wasn’t like we were playing strip Halo,” Bam grumbled as he placed his shades on.

“I agree, keeping him from streaking shouldn’t be some amazing feat.” Missy’s disgusted tone made me giggle. If I wasn’t use to Novak I probably won’t have found this as funny.

“You know the ladies dig it.”

Wrinkling my nose in distaste I turned in his direction as he rubbed his mid section. “Only the ones who like vomiting.”

“Ouch. You wound me.” His hands stopped thank god, I could live with the sarcasm as long as the show was over.

Our group made the way off the bus and onto the asphalt. The sun forced me to squint behind my large sunglasses. The crowd had grown in size when they recognized the buses. Luckily there was a very secure fence between them and us. As I watched the jostling crowd the band came off their bus to stand with us.

Missy linked her arm through mine and swung my attention back to the group. “Do any of you guys want to come see some of the sights with us?”

Bam groaned as he heard her ask the question. “Olivia can’t keep stealing my best friends! I want them today.”

This caused a rumble of laughter to breakout. It also caused Dunn to become even more quiet than he already been lately. The only one who seemed to notice though, was me.

Ville rocked back and forth on his feet for a moment then turned to me, setting his hand at my back. A habit I had only begun to notice recently. “It hasn’t been just us guys in a while. Do you mind if I go with them today?”

“Why would I mind?” He was asking my permission? It stung a little. It made it feel like he was obligated to spend time with me, as opposed to wanted to be in my company.

“I know that you wanted to go see Almudena Cathedral today.” It was odd how one moment he felt like a lover then the next a chaperon. He didn’t know he was doing it though.

“I can do that with Missy. Don’t let me keep you from Bam.” Subtly I scooted from where his hand lay. I just couldn’t take my emotions and confusion bundled with his presence right now.

“We’ll watch a movie tonight, I promise.” I came to a halt, taken by surprise when he swiftly leaned down to set a brief kiss to my temple. Hell, he didn’t even wait for my response. He was already walking over to Bam discussing something I couldn’t hear.

I didn’t want to watch a movie tonight. I wanted to detox from this addiction, he was only adding fuel to the fire. Something about knowing I would do anything for him and that I liked the way he had assumed I wanted it see him later pissed me off. There was no need for his gentle assurances that he would still be there. My world did not revolve around him; I refused to let it. Time without him would be healthy and give me time to be myself again.

Ville’s POV

I watched Olivia as she stood talking with Missy, waiting for their cab. She had been acting odd since the other night. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it had me worried. Anyone who tried to have a conversation with her rarely got more then short replies and sarcasm. Every time I tried to spend a few moments with her, whether it was practicing guitar or watching a movie, she wasn’t in the mood. Her mind was completely somewhere else. And not in a good way.

Maybe spending time with Missy would help. Did women love spending girl time together?

A/N: Hey all! I know this was short compared to how long most of my chapters have been in the last few posts. I thought something shorter would be nice for once. I hope everyone likes it. This was surprisingly hard for me to write. Please comment if you’d like a preview of the next chapter. For once I have something done in advance.

Chapter List
| Chapter 24 | Chapter 25

fanfiction : update, ville valo, barely breathing

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