I've been thinking about posting about this for quite some time, but tonight seems appropriate. What do you believe? How are your views shaped by what you believe? Do you feel your beliefs are healthy
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I believe in deity. I believe in some force beyond our comprehension, that religions have been developed around because we as a species want to define everything. I believe the religions were developed in order to satisfy the wants and needs of the time and the person, and that they evolve because the times and the people change. I do also believe that they are used by some as a tool to influence and control.
I don't prescribe to a particular religion, as I feel that none of them adequately describe deity, but I do take a few bits and pieces from here and there to use when I feel the need to address the divine. I always try to say thank you much more often than I say please when I do.
It disgusts me when people use religion as a tool to justify their own agendas, especially when it results in harm to others. I refuse to believe in the idea of a vengeful god. That's a purely human conceit, in my mind.
I'd like to believe there is something that follows this existence, but what it is I'll never know until I reach it, so I'm not going to live my life trying to earn a place in the hereafter. I'm going to focus on living my life well and hopefully helping others to do the same.
So many things in our world nowadays are broken. In our country specifically, the government, organized religion, the school system, and so many other things in the world around us. If there is a conscious thinking being watching us, he/she/it is most likely at the least very disappointed in us.
I don't prescribe to a particular religion, as I feel that none of them adequately describe deity, but I do take a few bits and pieces from here and there to use when I feel the need to address the divine. I always try to say thank you much more often than I say please when I do.
It disgusts me when people use religion as a tool to justify their own agendas, especially when it results in harm to others. I refuse to believe in the idea of a vengeful god. That's a purely human conceit, in my mind.
I'd like to believe there is something that follows this existence, but what it is I'll never know until I reach it, so I'm not going to live my life trying to earn a place in the hereafter. I'm going to focus on living my life well and hopefully helping others to do the same.
So many things in our world nowadays are broken. In our country specifically, the government, organized religion, the school system, and so many other things in the world around us. If there is a conscious thinking being watching us, he/she/it is most likely at the least very disappointed in us.
edited to fix a silly error
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