Jan 23, 2008 21:09
I've been thinking about posting about this for quite some time, but tonight seems appropriate. What do you believe? How are your views shaped by what you believe? Do you feel your beliefs are healthy?
These are questions I've pondered time and time again over the course of years, but especially since leaving the cult of the LDS religion of which I was formerly a part. So much of it never made sense to me and as I began studying the parts that didn't make sense, I found other things that me go Hmmmm. And then more and more and more until, finally, that was it. I was done. But I wasn't only done with being a Mormon. I as done with Christianity and religion all together.
Before I start listing what I think I am, I want to list what I KNOW I am not and what I know I do not believe:
~ I am not a Christian.
~ I do not believe in a single higher power that can be known as *GOD*
~ I do not believe in heaven and hell
~ I do not believe that one religion has the right to impose their beliefs on another group for any reason
Now, here is what I do believe, what I think believe and what I know I am and what I think I am:
~ I am a humanist. I believe in the possibility of something out there we cannot understand or begin to comprehend. I have no idea what it is and I don't believe it is necessary for my eternal salvation to figure it out. I believe it is more important that I spend this lifetime I have being the absolute best person I can be, seeking knowledge, learning the finer points of compassion and love and trying to make this horrible world a better place for those I love.
~ I am a pragmatist and a realist. Many would say I'm a pessimist, which could also be true. I expect to be disappointed. I never expect anything to go my way and I ALWAYS expect people to flake - because that is the nature of humans. It just is and I accept it. It used to make me bitter, now it just makes me shake my head.
~ I believe that if you're going to be in politics, you have a special obligation to keep your religion to yourself. Religion has no place in politics. And don't give me that "But The Founding Fathers were Christians!" spiel. I have been a history major. I have done research on this topic and what I have read points to the Founding Fathers not being what the Christian right paints them as. It is important to note that George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, et al were NOT puritans - the puritan pilgrimage was a century before those men stepped foot on "American" soil. Stop holding them up as vanguards for why this is a "christian" nation. It is NOT a Christian nation, founded on Christian ideas and ideals. It is a nation founded on many belief systems, many cultures, many other nations and traditions. I fear too often that we have all lost sight of this fact.
~ I believe it is time for our government to be revamped. The system as it stands does NOT work. We the people are NOT represented by those who sit on high in WDC. I vote. I write letters. I do what I believe it is in my power to do. but, our system of government needs to change and it needs to happen soon.
~ I belive that man formed religion as a way to explain the unexplainable in a time when the technology was not available to explain many things. I also believe man formed religion as way to control other men, to have power over other men, controlling them through fear. So far, in my historical and anthropological studies, I have not come across anything to change that belief.
~ I believe all people have the right to love and be loved. I believe all people should be equal on all levels. No one should be discriminated against because of race, gender or sexual preference. I will adamantly fight for the rights of my gay friends to be able to be married and to receive the same rights and privileges I enjoy as a married person.
~ All of that said, I believe in your right to believe and worship how you will, even if you do not respect my right to believe in the dictates of my own conscience. However, if you do not believe I also have the same right you do, you are not someone I care to have in my sphere.
This is my stand, this is my creed and this is how I live my life. Accept me for who I am, as I do you. If you cannot, I bit you adieu.
who i am